Electronic Supplement to
Computing a Large Refined Catalog of Focal Mechanisms for Southern California (1981 – 2010): Temporal Stability of the Style of Faulting

by Wenzheng Yang, Egill Hauksson, and Peter M. Shearer

Table S1. HASH parameters setting

Parameter Value Meaning
npolmin 8 Minimum number of polarities
max_agap 360 Maximum azimuthal gap
max_pgap 90 Max takeoff angle gap
dang 5 Grid angle for focal mechanism search
nmc 30 Number of trials
maxout 500 Maximum focal mechanism outputs
ratmin 3.0 Minimum allowed amplitude SNR
badfrac 0.05 Fraction of polarities assumed bad
qbadfrac 0.3 Assumed noise in amplitude ratio (log10)
delmax 120 Maximum allowed epicentral distance (km)
cangle 45 Angle for computing mechanism probability (degree)
prob_max 0.1 Probability threshold for multiples

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