Electronic Supplement to
Long-Term Afterslip of the 2004 M 6.0 Parkfield, California, Earthquake—Implications for Forecasting Amount and Duration of Afterslip on Other Major Creeping Faults

by James J. Lienkaemper and Forrest S. McFarland

Table S9. Best-Fitting Log–linear Coefficients for 6 yrs of Accumulated Slip on Alignment Arrays Following the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake

Distance from XMM4 (km) Alignment Array a b
0 XMM4 Middle Mountain 1.957 5.472
8.4 PKN4 Parkfield north 5.297 5.985
9.3 PKF4 Parkfield bridge 3.586 6.716
13.2 HST4 Hearst north 2.699 7.767
17.4 KEN9 Kennedy Ranch 4.073 7.038
21.2 PGH4 Gold Hill 2.871 3.536

Slip, u(t) = a + b × log10(t).

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