Electronic Supplement to
Modeling Velocity Recordings of the Mw 6.0 South Napa, California, Earthquake: Unilateral Event with Weak High-Frequency Directivity

by František Gallovič

This electronic supplement contains tables with a station list and crustal model, and figures with synthetic seismograms and their smoothed Fourier spectra for all the directivity models of the Ruiz Integral Kinematic (RIK) source model (Ruiz et al., 2011).


Table S1. Accelerometric stations considered in this study.

Table S2. Crustal model used in the waveform modeling. It corresponds to model GIL7 (Stidham et al., 1999), modified by adding two subsurface low-velocity layers representing soft-rock site properties.


Figure S1. Result of the broadband velocity waveform modeling using the RIK model in the three directivity modes: (a) weak directivity, (b) moderate directivity, and (c) strong directivity for the stations listed on the left. (F-P, fault-parallel component; F-N, fault-normal; and Z, vertical component.)

Figure S2. Result of the broadband velocity waveform modeling using the RIK model in the three directivity modes (weak, moderate, and strong) in terms of smoothed Fourier spectra for (a) the fault-parallel component (F-P), (b) the fault-normal component (F-N), and (c) the vertical component (Z). Station names are shown in the lower left of each graph.


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Ruiz, J. A., D. Baumont, P. Bernard, and C. Berge-Thierry (2011). Modeling directivity of strong ground motion with a fractal, k−2, kinematic source model, Geophys. J. Int. 186, 226–244.

Stidham, C., M. Antolik, D. Dreger, S. Larsen, and B. Romanowicz (1999). Three-dimensional structure influences on the strong motion wavefield of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 89, 1184–1202.

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