Electronic Supplement to
The Source of the 30 October 1930, Mw 5.8, Senigallia (Central Italy) Earthquake: A Convergent Solution from Instrumental, Macroseismic and Geological Data

by Paola Vannoli, Gianfranco Vannucci, Fabrizio Bernardi, Barbara Palombo, and Graziano Ferrari

Table S3. List of the Stations Not Used for the Moment Tensor Computation

Station Code Longitude (°) Latitude (°) Computations
TIF 44.800 41.717 N-S, E-W
TOL −4.049 39.881 N-S, E-W
ALM −2.460 36.853 N-S, E-W, Z
BER 5.334 60.384 N-S, E-W, Z
CHU 9.537 46.850 E-W, Z
CHV 9.324 44.315 2HU
IC1HD 13.903 40.745
FIR 11.257 43.778 E-W, N-S,NE-SW, NW-SE
HEL 24.957 60.176 E-W, N-S, Z
IRK 104.271 52.243 2HU, Z
ISK 13.901 40.747 N-S
LEI 12.392 51.335 N-S
MES 15.555 38.199 2HU, Z
MLT 14.510 35.900 N-S
MNH 11.600 48.150 E-W, N-S
POT 13.068 52.380 E-W, N-S
PUL 30.317 59.767 E-W, Z
SCO −21.950 70.483 E-W, N-S
VIE 16.362 48.248 E-W, N-S

2HU, 2 Horizontal Unknown.

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