Electronic Supplement to
Liquefaction Features Produced by the 2010–2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence in Southwest Christchurch, New Zealand, and Preliminary Assessment of Paleoliquefaction Features

by P. Villamor, P. Almond, M. P. Tuttle, M. Giona-Bucci, R. M. Langridge, K. Clark, W. Ries, S. H. Bastin, A. Eger, M. Vandergoes, M. C. Quigley, P. Barker, F. Martin, and J. Howarth

Table S1. Hardwick Site: HWK 1 Trench Unit Descriptions

Depth (cm) Unit Name Description* Notes
0–13 C 5Y4/1 (dark gray), very fine sand, loose sharp wavy lower contact (liquefaction deposits)
13–36 Ah 10YR 4/2 (dark grayish brown), silty loam, friable, moderately developed, very fine structure, clear smooth lower boundary
36–55 Bw(f) 2.5Y 4/3 (olive brown) with few fine distinct, 7.5YR5/6 (strong brown) mottles; soil—weak coarse blocky structure, loamy silt turning to loamy very fine sand at the base, upward fining sequence, very friable, clear wavy boundary
55–59 2bBp 2.5YR 5/1 (gray) silty loam, friable, abrupt wavy contact
59–94 2bCg 2.5Y4/2 (dark grayish brown) with common coarse prominent 5YR5/6 (yellowish red) vertically aligned mottles following root channels, mottling also follows 5–10-mm-thick horizontal lamination of slightly coarse sediments; soil—weak very coarse blocky to massive structure, loamy silt
94–116 3bCg Alternating of very fine sand (2.5Y4/2; dark grayish brown) and loamy silt (2.5Y5/1, gray), centimeter- to decimeter-scale beds, with common coarse distinct 7.5YR4/4 (brown) vertically aligned mottles following root channels
116–180 4b2Cg 2.5Y5/1 (gray) with common coarse distinct 5YR4/6 (yellowish red) mottles elongated along roots, very fine sandy silt to loamy silt; soil–massive structure, sediment—massive, friable
180–205 4b2CR Silty loam with preserved roots Auger from here
205–266 5b3A 2.5Y4/2 (dark grayish brown) silty loam
266–315 5Bg 2.5Y5/1 (gray) silty clay Radiocarbon sample: HWK-1-1
315–375 6 Very fine sandy silt
375+ 7 Sands

*Soil description is at the 2 m vertical line; the top of the trench is 45 cm above horizontal 0.5.

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