Electronic Supplement to
Liquefaction Features Produced by the 2010–2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence in Southwest Christchurch, New Zealand, and Preliminary Assessment of Paleoliquefaction Features

by P. Villamor, P. Almond, M. P. Tuttle, M. Giona-Bucci, R. M. Langridge, K. Clark, W. Ries, S. H. Bastin, A. Eger, M. Vandergoes, M. C. Quigley, P. Barker, F. Martin, and J. Howarth

Table S6. Hardwick Site: HWK 5 Trench Unit Descriptions

Depth (cm) Unit Name Description* Notes
0–27 Ah 10YR3/2 (very dark grayish brown), moderately fine to moderately nutty, silt loam, abrupt wavy boundary.
27–45 Bwf 2.5Y6/3 (light brownish gray), friable, few fine distinct 5YR5/6 (yellowish red) mottles, weak fine blocky, loamy very fine sand, abrupt and wavy boundary with bioturbation.
45–65 2C(g) 2.5Y5/3 (light olive brown; 40%), with 7.5YR4/6 (strong brown; 60%) vertically orientated centimeter-scale set of veins, single grain, very fine sand; abrupt and wavy boundary with mottling (90%).
65–90 3Cg 2.5Y5/2 (grayish brown), massive, common coarse distinct vertically aligned 7.5YR5/6 (strong brown) mottles following root voids, semideformable, soft, loamy very fine sand. From 80 to 90 cm unit includes 3-cm-thick bed of very fine sand, laminated, very fine sandy silt. Abrupt, wavy boundary.
90–94 4C(g) 2.5YR5/2 (grayish brown) with 7.5YR5/6 (strong brown) mottling, very fine sand, single grain, soft.
95–107 5Cg Gley 1 N/4, single grain, fine sand, abrupt and wavy boundary.
107–159 6Cr1 5Y5/1 (gray), weak medium to coarse prismatic structure, with common, vertically aligned medium distinct 10YR5/6 mottles, firm, semideformable, silt loam (clay silt), clear and smooth boundary.
159–182 6Cr2 Gley 1 5/10Y with 5 mm—2 cm organic layers—2.5Y4/2–3 (dark gray brown to olive brown) with same but few mottles than layer above.
182–204 7bOh1 10YR4/2 (dark grayish brown), massive, silt to organic silt, highly decomposed—glyttica. Pods and mounds of fibrous roots (black) 7.5Y4/3 grading downward. Abrupt and wavy boundary.
204–207 7bOh2 2.5Y4/2 (dark graying brown), base of horizon concentration of wood. Abrupt and wavy boundary.
207–220 L1 Gley 1 N/4, single grain, fine sand, abrupt and wavy boundary. 8Cr3—original label, changed to L1 by PV
220–230 9bOh3 10YR3/1 (very dark gray) coarse, common roots, not well visible.

* Soil description at vertical line 6.

PV, author P. Villamor.

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