Electronic Supplement to
Liquefaction Features Produced by the 2010–2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence in Southwest Christchurch, New Zealand, and Preliminary Assessment of Paleoliquefaction Features

by P. Villamor, P. Almond, M. P. Tuttle, M. Giona-Bucci, R. M. Langridge, K. Clark, W. Ries, S. H. Bastin, A. Eger, M. Vandergoes, M. C. Quigley, P. Barker, F. Martin, and J. Howarth

Table S7. Hardwick Site: HWK 6 Trench Unit Descriptions

Depth (cm) Unit Name 1 Unit Name 2 Description*
L1 C 5Y 4/2 (olive gray), fine to very fine sand, loose, dry, single grain; abrupt wavy contact.
0–11 0 Ah 10YR 3/1 (very dark gray), fine sandy loam. friable. Soil—moderate fine nutty structure, many fine roots, occluded wavy contact (worm casts).
11–15 10a,b,c 2C(f) 2.5Y 6/2 (light brownish gray)—6/3 (light yellowish brown) with common medium distinct 10YR 5/6 (yellowish brown) mottles, very fine sand (upper 5 cm loamy fine sand). Sediment—millimeter-thick lamination. Soil—very friable to brittle; massive; upper 5 cm are loamy fine sand; weak angular blocky structure; clear wavy contact.
15–19 10d 3Cg 2.5Y5/1 (gray), upper 5 cm strongly oxidized (7.5YR 5/6—strong brown), with many coarse distinct 10YR5/6 (yellowish brown) vertically aligned mottles; very fine sand; very thin beds of detrital organics (10YR 5/1-2/1; gray to black), beds are inclined and wavy (wavelength 2–3 m) and follow a backfilled channel-oriented normal to trench; abrupt wavy contact.
19–30 11, 11a 4Cg 2.5Y 5/1 (gray) with many coarse distinct 10YR 5/6 (yellowish brown) vertically aligned mottles; loamy silt (silty very fine sand); slightly firm, brittle. Soil—weak coarse prismatic breaking to blocky structure; sharp wavy contact.
30–37 20, 20a 5Cg 2.5Y 5/1 (gray) with many coarse distinct 10YR 5/6 (yellowish brown) vertically aligned mottles; loamy fine sand; thin lamination of detrital organics with sticks, branches, logs, and beds of organics up to 3 cm thick; sharp wavy erosional contact.
37–39 30 6bA 10YR 5/1 (gray) with common medium prominent 5YR 5/6 (yellowish red) vertically aligned mottles; silt loam; slightly firm semideformable. Soil—weak coarse blocky structure; clear wavy contact. Oxidation along roots casts, mottles truncated at upper boundary.
39–47 31,31a,b,c,d 6Cg 2.5Y 5/1 (gray) with common medium prominent 5YR 5/6 (yellowish red) vertically aligned mottles; silt loam; moderately firm, brittle; black charcoal fragments present; mottles along root channel; clear wavy contact.
47–59 32–35 7Cg 2.5Y 5/1 (gray) with common medium prominent 5YR5/6 (yellowish red) vertically aligned mottles; silty fine sand; massive; contact not visible.

There are no notes for this trench description.

* Soil description at vertical line 9.

This unit is above and below the unit 5Cg.

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