Electronic Supplement to
A Spectrogram-Based Method of Rg Detection for Explosion Monitoring

by Colin T. O’Rourke and G. Eli Baker

Table S1. Source Information for Earthquake Events Used in This Study

Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Time (hh:mm:ss.s) Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) Depth below Sea Level (km) Magnitude (ML)
2010/06/06 04:39:29.6 43.623852 −108.133946 37.13 1.27
2010/06/13 00:28:17.9 43.744434 −108.058667 22.03 0.94
2010/06/21 12:01:03.5 43.733186 −107.10115 6.07 1.27
2010/06/29 04:45:22.0 44.965807 −105.957499 15.16 1.01
2010/07/01 23:46:36.7 44.607185 −108.49859 18.01 0.7
2010/07/10 03:20:43.0 43.874065 −106.957934 19.16 0.68
2010/07/15 03:17:46.8 44.688813 −107.785953 18.31 0.44
2010/07/19 00:56:26.8 44.953165 −106.449359 18.24 1.47
2010/07/21 06:40:24.7 43.385993 −106.700105 23.72 1.11
2010/07/27 17:42:29.2 44.708932 −105.641197 21.98 1.61
2010/07/31 06:16:06.3 44.116885 −106.803985 15.15 0.66
2010/08/01 14:12:22.2 44.673831 −108.416571 24.14 0.58
2010/08/03 09:15:19.5 43.508124 −106.93738 15.75 1.25
2010/08/08 00:17:14.4 44.252719 −107.53385 22.02 1.44
2010/08/09 06:02:28.1 44.875834 −108.051274 18.55 0.7
2010/08/19 05:21:18.9 44.8021 −108.51592 21.94 0.65
2010/08/24 22:29:17.4 44.772727 −105.801809 12.06 0.82
2010/09/04 08:30:06.9 44.81121 −107.2033 14.35 1.81
2010/09/07 13:35:48.8 44.1681 −107.4482 12.05 2.38
2010/09/09 20:53:28.1 43.768005 −106.797402 22.23 2.42
2010/09/18 23:26:30.4 43.649449 −108.127463 39.03 1.46
2010/09/21 02:34:00.6 43.629875 −106.747984 10.39 1.17

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