Electronic Supplement to
Partially Nonergodic Empirical Ground-Motion Models for Predicting Horizontal and Vertical PGV, PGA, and 5% Damped Linear Acceleration Response Spectra Using Data from the Iranian Plateau

by Farhad Sedaghati and Shahram Pezeshk

This electronic supplement contains lists of the events and stations considered in the final dataset, derived coefficients of the functional form, and the site-to-site residuals for all stations. Table S1 provides a list of the events considered in the final dataset, and Table S2 provides a list of the stations used in the final dataset. Derived source, path, and site-effects coefficients of the functional form for the horizontal and vertical components are provided in Tables S3 and S4, respectively. Standard deviations of the proposed functional form and random-effects coefficients for the horizontal and vertical components are provided in Tables S5 and S6, respectively. Site-to-site residuals for the horizontal and vertical component are provided in Tables S7 and S8, respectively.


Table S1 [Plain Text Comma-separated values; 6 KB]. List of the events considered in the final dataset.

Table S2 [Plain Text Comma-separated values; 10 KB]. List of the stations used in the final dataset.

Table S3 [Plain Text Comma-separated values; 1 KB]. Derived source, path, and site-effects coefficients of the functional form for the horizontal component.

Table S4 [Plain Text Comma-separated values; 1 KB]. Derived source, path, and site-effects coefficients of the functional form for the vertical component.

Table S5 [Plain Text Comma-separated values; 1 KB]. Associated standard deviations of the proposed functional form and random-effects coefficients for the horizontal component.

Table S6 [Plain Text Comma-separated values; 1 KB]. Associated standard deviations of the proposed functional form and random-effects coefficients for the vertical component.

Table S7 [Plain Text Comma-separated values; 49 KB]. Site-to-site residuals for the horizontal component.

Table S8 [Plain Text Comma-separated values; 66 KB]. Site-to-site residuals for the vertical component.

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