Electronic Supplement to
The February 2014 Cephalonia Earthquake (Greece): 3D Deformation Field and Source Modeling from Multiple SAR Techniques

by John Peter Merryman Boncori, Ioannis Papoutsis, Giuseppe Pezzo, Cristiano Tolomei, Simone Atzori, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilios Karastathis, Stefano Salvi, Charalampos Kontoes, and A. Antonioli

Table S1. The six independent moment tensor elements from seismological and SAR-based solutions for the source of the Feb. 3, 2014 earthquake.

Seismological Solutions
GCMT 0.7500 0.300 −1.050 0.300 −0.2400 1.050 18
GFZ 0.8300 0.1800 −1.020 −0.2500 −0.1300 0.9200 39
INGV 0.0929 0.2490 −0.3420 −0.0511 −0.1490 0.4210 73
NOA 0.3021 0.3490 −0.6511 0.2022 0.1488 0.8165 64
Inversion of SAR Measurements (This Study)
Single-Fault Model (SAR1)
Fault 1 0.1069 0.000 −0.1069 −0.0825 −0.7605 1.1796 100
Two-Fault Model (SAR2)
Fault 1 0.0722 0.000 −0.0722 −0.0558 −0.5140 0.7973 100
Fault 2 0.1643 1.0334 −1.1978 0.4160 0.0984 0.4067 100
Total 0.2365 1.0334 −1.2700 0.3602 −0.4156 1.2040 64

Values of moment tensor elements (M) are given in (r, Θ, Φ) coordinates, in which r is the radial distance of the source from the center of the Earth, Θ is colatitude, and Φ is longitude of the point source.

* The double-couple percentage (DC) is computed as 100×(1-2×eminemax), in which emin and emax are the smallest and largest absolute values of the deviatoric tensor eigenvalues.

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