Electronic Supplement to
How Scientists’ Communications Helped Mitigate the Psychosocial Effects of the October 2012 Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake near Haida Gwaii, Canada

by Alison L. Bird and Maurice Lamontagne

The electronic supplement includes abridged data from reports submitted to the “Did You Feel It?” section of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) websites (after Bird and Lamontagne, 2015). Personal contact information and general personal comments have been removed in respect of respondents’ privacy, but all necessary data in the calculation of community decimal intensity (CDI) remain.


Personal contact information and general personal comments have been removed from all tables. Included are the following: Distance (rupture to site), Azimuth (°), Latitude (°), Longitude (°), community decimal intensity (CDI), Situation (whether observer was inside, outside, etc.), type of Building (e.g., “Single” denotes single family dwelling), whether the respondent was Asleep, whether the earthquake was Felt (interestingly, people do submit reports stating they did not feel the earthquake), whether Others in the same location felt it, the severity of shaking (Motion), estimated Duration of shaking (in seconds), Emotional reaction, Physical response (“duck” means the respondent took the most appropriate action to “duck, cover and hold on”), whether any hanging objects did Sway, whether sounds (“Creak”) occurred, response of Objects on shelf, response of hanging Picture(s), movement of Furniture and of heavy Appliances, cracks in Walls and other Damage.

Download/View: Table S1: 20121028tableGSCcondensed. Comma-separated table of abridged reports submitted to the “Did You Feel It?” section of the GSC website.

Download/View: Table S2: 20121028tableUSGScondensed. Comma-separated table of abridged reports submitted to the “Did You Feel It?” section of the USGS website. In addition to the data types listed above, Table S2 also contains Stand.

Download/View: Table S3: 20121028tableALBcondensed. Comma-separated table of abridged reports submitted to the first author during her 2012 and 2014 visits to the islands.


Bird, A.L., and M. Lamontagne (2015). Impacts of the October 2012 Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake near Haida Gwaii, Canada, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 105, doi: 10.1785/0120140167.

Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) (2015). “Did You Feel It?” reports, http://www.earthquakescanada.ca (last accessed January 2015).

United States Geological Survey (USGS) (2015). “Did You Feel It?” reports, http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/dyfi (last accessed January 2015).

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