Electronic Supplement to
CAN-HK: An a Priori Crustal Model for the Canadian Shield

by D. A. Thompson, J. M. Kendall, G. R. Helffrich, I. D. Bastow, J. Wookey, and D. B. Snyder

This electronic supplement contains tables of the CAN-HK crustal model and Generic Mapping Tool (GMT)-compatible files (Wessel and Smith, 1995), as well as color versions of figures from the main article and plots of receiver functions versus slowness and the associated H-κ stacks for the different stations.

CAN-HK Crustal Model

Download: CANHK_supplementary.zip [Zip Archive; ~12 MB]. The CAN-HK crustal model is provided as a zipped file and contains a series of text files and GMT-compatible grid files that are described below.

H-κ Results: CANHK_bb_results

Constraints from broadband seismic stations contributing to the CAN-HK crustal model are provided for a range of parameters used in the H-κ stacking analysis (Zhu and Kanamori, 2000).

Files for each set of parameters are labeled with the following convention:


Vp = choice of VP

w1 = weight chosen for Ps phase

w2 = weight chosen for PpPs phase

w3 = weight chosen for PpSs+PsPs phase

The columns in each file are as follows:

1 = Station code

2 = Station latitude

3 = Station longitude

4 = Number of receiver functions contributing to result

5 = Crustal thickness estimate (km)

6 = Analytical error in crustal thickness (km); described by Zhu and Kanamori (2000)

7 = Projected error in crustal thickness (km); one standard deviation down from peak value

8 = VP/VS ratio

9 = Analytical error in VP/VS

10 = Projected error in VP/VS

Station identifiers with a preceding asterisk (*) have been deemed unrealistic or unreliable so are not included in the final models.

GMT-Compatible Grid Files: CANHK_grids

Little endian NetCDF-format grid files of crustal thickness and VP/VS ratio defined every 1° laterally, along with text files, are also provided in the CANHK_grids folder:

CANHK_Vp_w1_w2_w3_H.grd and CANHK_Vp_w1_w2_w3_H.xyz

CANHK_Vp_w1_w2_w3_K.grd and CANHK_Vp_w1_w2_w3_K.xyz

Outside of the geographical coverage, grid values in the. grd files are assigned to be NaN. When plotting these in GMT, we recommend using the CANHK_mask.xyz text file, also located in the CANHK_grids folder, with the psclip command to mask regions without coverage. For example:

psclip CANHK_mask.xyz -R-100/-55/35/60 -JN-80/4i -M-Y2i -K > file.ps grdimage -R -J CANHK_6.5_0.5_0.3_0.2_H.grd -CCANHK_H.cpt -O -K >> file.ps psclip -C -O -K >> file.ps pscoast -R -J -Di -P -W -A1000/0/2 -N1 -O >> file.ps

The text files have columns in the following order:

1 = Grid point longitude

2 = Grid point latitude

3 = Grid point parameter value

Receiver Function Plots: CANHK_slow_hk.pdf

Plots of receiver functions are shown versus slowness and the associated H-κ stacks. For the slowness plots, bins are 0.005 s/km wide with 50% overlap, meaning each receiver function contributes to two bins. The H-κ stacks are for the presented parameters of VP = 6.5 km/s, w1 = 0.5, w2 = 0.3, and w3 = 0.2. The error bars plotted on the H-κ stacks are the more conservative projected errors (columns 7 and 10 in CANHK_6.5_0.5_0.3_0.2.txt in this downloadable Zip file).


Color versions of the grayscale figures in the main article are provided.

Figure S1. Color version of Figure 3 of the main article.

Figure S2. Color version of Figure 4 of the main article.

Figure S3. Color version of Figure 5 of the main article.

Figure S4. Color version of Figure 6 of the main article.


Zhu, L., and H. Kanamori (2000). Moho depth variation in southern California from teleseimic receiver functions. J. Geophys. Res. 105, 2969–2980.

Wessel, P., and W.H.F. Smith (1995). New version of the Generic Mapping Tools released. Eos Trans. AGU 76, no. 33, 329.

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