Electronic Supplement to
Moment Tensor Inversion for Nuclear Explosions: What Can We Learn from the 6 January and 9 September 2016 Nuclear Tests, North Korea?

by Simone Cesca, Sebastian Heimann, Marius Kriegerowski, Joachim Saul, and Torsten Dahm

Table S1. Amplitude Correction Coefficients for Each Station Used for the Moment Tensor (MT) Inversion

Station Distance (km) Azimuth (°) Amplitude Correction
IC.MDJ.10 371 6 0.781
IU.INCN.10 474 −153 0.793
JP.JHS. 783 152 0.320
JP.JSD. 866 112 0.272
JP.JWT. 866 138 0.364
JP.JNU. 921 170 0.357
IU.MAJO.00 950 121 0.721
G.INU.00 958 131 0.759
JP.JGF. 959 129 0.296
JP.JEW. 1037 76 0.224
JP.JMM. 1075 107 0.316
IC.BJT.10 1100 −93 0.869
JP.JYT. 1116 117 0.307
IC.HIA.00 1148 −36 0.879
JP.JKA. 1149 70 0.292

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