Electronic Supplement to
Coulomb Stress Interactions during the Mw 5.8 Pawnee Sequence

by Colin Pennington and Xiaowei Chen

Table S4. Number of Events Receiving Positive ΔCFS from the Mainshock Using Different Coefficients of Friction

μ* Nodal Plane 1: Number of Events Receiving Positive ΔCFS Nodal Plane 2: Number of Events Receiving Positive ΔCFS Mean of Both Planes: Number of Events Receiving Positive ΔCFS Maximum of Either Plane: Number of Events Receiving Positive ΔCFS
0 24 24 24 24
0.2 24 24 24 24
0.4 23 23 24 26
0.6 24 23 23 27
0.8 26 23 23 30

*Coefficient of friction.

† Coulomb stress change.

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