Electronic Supplement to
Source inversion of W Phase: Real-time implementation and extension to low magnitudes

by G.P. Hayes, L. Rivera and H. Kanamori


Automated W-Phase Inversions, Earthquakes of Mw ≥ 5.8, 2007/01/01 - 2008/12/31

The attached figures describe results for W-phase inversions for 498 events with M ≥ 5.8 in 2007-2008, compared to results from the global Centroid Moment Tensor catalog (gCMT, http://www.globalcmt.org). Results are displayed in four columns, with each event on a separate row. Column 1 displays gCMT results. Column 2 displays W-phase inversion results following the real-time implementation procedures at the U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center (USGS NEIC), after grid searches for centroid time shift and location parameters (see main text for explanation). Column 3 displays results of the W-phase inversion using parameters from the gCMT solution for centroid location and time shift. In columns 1-3, magnitudes are displayed above the CMT solution for reference. CMTs are also sized by magnitude. Beneath CMTs in columns 2 and 3, we display the number of stations used in each W-phase inversion, and the final condition number of the solution. Column 4 provides origin time, Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (PDE) location (latitude, longitude, and depth), and Flynn-Engdahl region information.

Supplemental Figures

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