Electronic Supplement to
Realistic Simulations of Geodetic Network Data: The Fakenet Package

doi: 10.1785/0220120185

by Duncan Carr Agnew

Code, Documentation, Data, and Examples for Fakenet

The supplemental material includes two compressed files, one a gzipped tar file, and the other a zip archive. Either file, when uncompressed and opened, will create a new directory, fakenet-1.2, which will have the following subdirectories: (1) Subdirectory data contains files of fault geometry, with an index to them; files giving noise parameters, station locations and velocities, network performance, annual cycles, and models for simulating deformation from groundwater changes. (2) Subdirectory doc contains the text and figure files for the manual, and a pdf file of it. (3) Subdirectory examples contains eight example files for demonstrating how to run the program. (4) Subdirectory src contains the source code (Fortran 77) and makefile for compiling to program; the executables will be put into subdirectory bin.

The PDF of the documentation is also provided as a separate file.

Code, Documentation, Data, and Examples


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