Electronic Supplement to
The Impact of Material Stiffness on the Likelihood of Fault Rupture Propagating to the Ground Surface

doi: 10.1785/0220110109

by Robb Eric S. Moss, Kevin V. Stanton, and Moises I. Buelna

The following supplementary document contains the table of reverse and strike slip events used in the main article. Following the table are the references used to substantiate the information in the table. A spreadsheet of this database can be requested by contacting the first author at rmoss@calpoly.edu.

Table S1

Reverse Events With No Surface Rupture (in chronological order)
Location/Name Mw Date Vs30 Reference
Kangra, India 7.8 4/4/1905 620-760 Srivastava et al.(2010)
Charlevoix, Canada 7 3/1/1925 360-490 Bent(1992)
Gansu/Gulong, China 7.7 5/22/1927 360-490 Cavalié et al.(2008)
Temiskaming, Canada 6.4 11/1/1935 360-490 Bent (1996)
Miyagi Prefecture, Japan 6.5 4/30/1962 300-360 Mitsuhata et al. (2001)
Niigata, Japan 7.6 6/16/1964 offshore Morita (2005)
Urumqi, China 6.5 11/13/1965 360-490 Nelson et al.(1987)
Lake Mackay, Australia 6 3/24/1970 240-300 Leonard (2008)
Simpson Desert, Australia 6 8/28/1972 180-240 Leonard (2008)
Hamran, Pakistan 6.2 9/3/1972 180-240 Molnar (1983)
Point Mugu, California 5.7 2/21/1973 760 Stierman and Ellsworth(1976)
Markansu valley, Tajikistan 7.1 8/11/1974 360-490 Jackson et al. (1979)
Gazli, Uzbekistan 6.9 4/8/1976 180-240 Amorëse and Grasso (1979)
Gazli, Uzbekistan 6.8 5/17/1936 180-240 Amorëse and Grasso (1979)
Friuli, Italy 6.5 5/6/1976 180-240 Carulli and Slejko(2005)
Khurgu, Iran 6.7 3/21/1977 620-760 Berberian (1978)
Khurgu, Iran 6 4/1/1977 620-760 Berberian (1978)
Naghan, Iran 6 4/6/1977 180-240 Berberian and Navai (1977)
Caucete, Argentina 7.5 11/23/1977 300-360 Isacks (1985)
Santa Barbara, California 5.9 8/13/1978 300-360 Corbett et al. (1982)
Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada 5.6 1/9/1982 300-360 Wetmiller et al. (1984)
Tadjik, Afghanistan 6.5 12/16/1982 760 Abers and Bryan (1988)
Coalinga, California 6.4 5/2/1983 300-360 Fehler and Johnson (1989)
Gazli, Uzbekistan 7 3/19/1984 180-240 Amorëse, D., and J.R. Grasso (1996)
Mendoza, Argentina* 6 1/26/1985 300-360 Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
New Ireland, New Guinnea 7.2 7/3/1985 620-760 Mori (1988)
Kettleman Hills, California 6.1 8/4/1985 360-490 Ekstrom et al. (1992)
Nahanni, Canada 6.7 10/5/1985 360-490 Wetmiller et al. (1988)
Nahanni, Canada 6.8 12/23/1985 360-490 Wetmiller et al. (1988)
Nahanni, Canada* 6.2 3/25/1988 360-490 Moore and Atkinson (1989)
Hualien, Taiwan 6.4 5/20/1986 180-240 Yu and Cheng (1997)
Van, Turkey 7.2 10/23/2011 490-620 Erdik et al. (2012)
Northeast Ecuador 7.1 3/6/1987 360-490 Schuster et al. (1991)
Whittier Narrows, California 6 10/1/1987 300-360 Zeng et al. (1993)
Saguenay, Canada* 5.9 11/25/1988 360-490 Berger et al. (1991)
Gonghe-Xinghai, China 6.4 4/26/1990 300-360 Chen et al. (1996)
Darab, Iran* 6.6 11/6/1990 620-760 Walker et al. (2005)
Hawks Crag, New Zealand 6 1/28/1991 620-760 Hincapie et al. (2005)
Kalpin, China* 6 2/25/1991 240-300 Xiao-ping et al. (2006)
Peshawar, Pakistan* 6.2 5/20/1992 300-360 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/significant/sig_1992.php (2)
Murindo, Columbia 6.7 10/17/1992 240-300 Mosquera-Machado et al. 2009
Barisahko, Georgia 6.5 10/23/1992 620-760 Gomez et al. (1997)
Northridge, CA 6.7 1/17/1994 360-490 http://www.iitk.ac.in/gangetic/interfan/interfan_area_geol_neotect.htm (1)
Sefidabeh, Iran 6.1 2/23/1994 360-490 Parsons et al. (2006)
Sefidabeh, Iran 6.3 2/24/1994 360-490 Parsons et al. (2006)
Sefidabeh, Iran 6 2/26/1994 360-490 Parsons et al. (2006)
Hindu Kush, Afghanistan* 6.1 5/1/1994 760 Pegler (1998)
Tauramena, Colombia 6.6 1/19/1995 360-490 Dimate (2003)
Reverse Events With Surface Rupture (in chronological order)
Location/Name Mw Date Vs30 Reference
Zenkoji, Japan* 6.4 5/8/1847 620-760 Sugito et al. (2010)
Rikuu, Japan* 7.42 8/31/1896 620-760 Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
Manas, China 7.95 12/23/1906 620-760 Wang et al. (2004)
Kirgizia, Russia 7.89 1/23/1911 620-760 Arrowsmith et al. (2005)
Baghan-Germab-Quachan-Bakharden, Iran 7.51 5/1/1929 490-620 Hollingsworth (2006)
White Creek, new Zealand 7.89 6/17/1929 620-760 Hincapie et al. (2005)
Salmas, Iran 7.6 5/6/1930 620-760 Tchalenko and Berberian (1974)
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand 7.89 2/2/1931 360-490 Alan G. (1990)
Changma, China 7.82 12/25/1902 620-760 Van der Woerd (2002)
Behabad-Kuhabanan, Iran 6.29 11/28/1933 620-760 Berberian and Asudeh (1979)
Bihar, Nepal 8.2 1/15/1934 180-240 Sapkota et al. (2011)
Tunzthuchiochihho, Taiwan 7.23 4/21/1935 760 Nina Lin et al. (1993)
Meeberie, Australia 7.02 4/29/1941 240-300 http://www.ga.gov.au/image_cache/GA10001 (3)
San Juan, Argentina 7.6 1/15/1944 620-760 Alvarado and Beck (2006)
Mikawa-Fukozu, Japan 7.02 1/13/1945 240-300 Ando (1974)
Dari, China 7.89 3/17/1947 490-620 Hua-guang (1983)
Tajikistan, FSU* 7.75 7/10/1949 620-760 Evans et al. (2009)
Assam, India 8.7 8/15/1950 360-490 Perumal et al. (2010)
Kern County, CA 7.4 7/21/1952 620-760 Stein and Thatcher (1981)
Torud, Iran* 6.67 2/12/1953 620-760 Ambraseys and Monifar (1977)
Farsinaj-Sahjneh, Iran 6.91 12/13/1957 620-760 Berberian (1977)
Ipak, Iran* 7.42 9/1/1962 620-760 Ambraseys (1963)
Sarkhun, Iran* 6.16 6/21/1965 620-760 Berberian and Tchalenko (1976)
Inangahua, New Zealand 7.1 5/24/1968 620-760 Anderson et al. (1968)
Meckering, Australia 6.6 10/1/1968 300-360 Leonard (2008)
Pariahuanca, Peru 6.1 7/24/1969 620-760 Philip and Megard (1977)
Huayta-pallana, Peru 6.6 10/1/1969 620-760 Dorbath et al. (1990)
Calingri, Australia 5.97 3/10/1970 300-360 Leonard (2008)
San Fernando-Sierra Madre, CA 6.6 2/9/1971 360-490 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/external/reports/03HQGR0084.pdf (2)
Qir, Iran (near Karehbas)* 6.8 4/10/1972 620-760 Tatar et al. (2004)
Lice, Turkey 6.6 9/6/1975 490-620 Moazami-Goudarzi and Akasheh (1977)
Songpan, China 6.9 8/16/1976 760 Jones et al. (1984)
Songpan, China 6.4 8/21/1976 760 Jones et al. (1984)
Songpan China 6.7 8/23/1976 760 Jones et al. (1984)
Tabas, Iran 7.4 9/16/1978 490-620 http://www.iitk.ac.in/gangetic/interfan/interfan_area_geol_neotect.htm (1)
Cadoux, Australia 6.1 6/2/1979 490-620 Leonard (2008)
El Asnam (Oued Fodda), Algeria 7.1 10/10/1980 360-490 N·b?lek (1985)
Golbaf, Iran* 6.6 6/11/1981 620-760 Berberian and Qorashi (1994)
Sirch, Iran* 7.1 7/28/1981 620-760 Berberian and Qorashi (1994)
Coalinga Nunez, CA 5.4 6/11/1983 300-360 Fehler and Johnson (1989)
Marryat Creek, Australia 5.8 3/30/1986 490-620 Leonard (2008)
Tennant Creek, Australia 6.3 1/22/1988 360-490 Leonard (2008)
Tennant Creek, Australia 6.4 1/22/1988 360-490 Leonard (2008)
Tennant Creek, Australia 6.6 1/22/1988 360-490 Leonard (2008)
Armenia, FSU* 6.8 12/7/1988 620-760 Philip et al. (1992)
Chenoua, Algeria 6 10/29/1989 360-490 Meghraoui (1991)
Ungava-Lac Turquoise, Canada 6 12/25/1989 360-490 Bent (1994)
Rudbar-Tarom, Iran 7.4 6/20/1990 620-760 Berberian et al. (1992)
Sierra Madre, CA 5.43 6/28/1991 360-490 http://www.iitk.ac.in/gangetic/interfan/interfan_area_geol_neotect.htm (1)
Kyrgyzstan Suusamyr, FSU 7.2 8/19/1992 620-760 Mellors et al. (1997)
Killari-Latur, India 6.2 9/29/1993 360-490 Gahalaut et al. (2003)
Izmit, Turkey 7.4 9/29/1993 760 http://www.iitk.ac.in/gangetic/interfan/interfan_area_geol_neotect.htm (1)
Chi-Chi, Taiwan 7.6 9/20/1999 620-760 http://www.iitk.ac.in/gangetic/interfan/interfan_area_geol_neotect.htm (1)
Fandoqa, Iran 6.6 3/14/1998 620-760 Motlagh and Mostafazadeh (2008)
Sichuan, China 7.9 5/12/2008 760 http://www.drgeorgepc.com/Earthquake2008ChinaSichuan.html (4)
*indicates an event with ambiguity in the surface trace

Table S2

Strike Slip Events With No Surface Rupture (in chronological order)
Location/Name Mw Date Vs30 Reference
Saitama, Japan 6.7 9/21/1931 240-300 Cannon and Sugiyama (2002)
Long Beach, CA* 6.3 3/11/1933 240-300 http://www.data.scec.org/significant/longbeach1933.html (7)
South Izu, Japan 5.5 3/21/1934 620-760 Shimazaki and Somerville (1979)
Fukui, Japan 7.3 6/28/1948 760 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Desert Hot Spring, CA* 6.5 12/4/1945 360-490 Toppozada et al. (2002)
Arroyo Salada, CA 6.2 3/19/1954 360-490 Smith and Sandwell (2006)
Wakasa-Bay, Japan 6.5 3/26/1963 620-760 Abe (1974)
Watsonville, CA 5.4 9/14/1963 360-490 Wesson and Ellsworth (1973)
Corralitos, CA 5.1 11/16/1964 360-490 Wesson and Ellsworth (1973)
Antioch, CA 4.9 9/10/1965 360-490 McEvilly and Casaday (1967)
Caliente-Clover Mtn., Nevada* 5.8 8/16/1966 760 http://www.epa.gov/radiation/docs/yucca/bid/yucca_bid_060501_ch7pt1of4.pdf (8)
Truckee, CA 5.9 9/12/1966 620-760 Tsai and Aki (1970)
Rampart, Alaska 6.5 10/29/1968 620-760 Huang and Biswas (1983)
Coyote Mountain, CA 5.8 4/28/1969 360-490 Thatcher and Hamilton (1973)
Yangjiang, China* 5.9 7/29/1969 360-490 Gu et al. (1989)
Gifu, Japan 6.6 9/9/1969 300-360 Jovanovich (2007)
Ceres, South Africa 6.3 9/29/1969 240-300 Green and Bloch (1971)
Bear Valley, CA 5.1 2/24/1972 360-490 Wesson and Ellsworth (1973)
Bear Valley, CA 4.7 2/27/1972 360-490 Wesson and Ellsworth (1973)
Sitka, Alaska 7.6 7/30/1972 760 Schell and Ruff (1989)
Stone Canyon, CA* 4.7 9/4/1972 360-490 Wesson and Ellswroth (1972)
San Juan Batista, CA 4.8 10/3/1972 360-490 Wesson (1987)
Agua Caliente Spr., CA 4.8 9/13/1973 360-490 Allison (1978)
Amagi, Japan* 4.9 7/9/1974 490-620 Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
Oita Prefecture, Japan* 6.1 4/20/1975 360-490 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Horse Canyon, CA 4.7 8/2/1975 360-490 Munguia and Brune (1984)
Songpan/Huya, China 6.9 8/16/1976 760 Wang et al. (2009)
Kawazu, Japan 5.4 8/17/1976 620-760 Shimazaki and Somerville (1979)
Songpan/Huya, China 6.7 8/23/1976 760 Wang et al. (2009)
Mesa de Andrade, Mexico 5.7 12/7/1976 180-240 Gonzalez et al. (1984)
Matata, New Zealand* 5.4 5/31/1977 490-620 Darby and Williams (1991)
Willits, CA 4.8 11/22/1977 620-760 Warren et al. (1985)
South Puget Sound, WA 4.8 3/11/1978 490-620 Yelin and Crosson (1982)
Swabian Jura, Germany 5.3 3/9/1978 360-490 Scherbaum and Stoll (1983)
Diamond Valley, CA 5.2 9/4/1978 760 Somerville et al. (1980)
Umbria/Norcia, Italy 5.9 9/19/1979 360-490 De Luca et al. (2000)
Anza, CA 4.7 2/25/1980 360-490 Sanders and Kanamori (1984)
Mammoth Lakes, CA 6.1 5/27/1980 760 Sibson (1982)
Mexicali Valley, Mexico 6.4 6/9/1980 180-240 Anderson and Boudin 1987
Sharpsburg, KY 4.7 7/27/1980 240-300 Mauk et al. (1982)
Elk Lake, WA 4.8 2/14/1981 760 Ma, Crosson and Ludwin (1996)
Anza, CA 4.8 6/15/1982 360-490 Frankel (1984)
Liege, Belgium 4.3 11/8/1983 240-300 Nguyen et al. (2004)
Morgan Hill, CA 6.1 4/24/1984 300-360 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Sutton/Talkeetna, Alaska 5.2 8/14/1984 620-760 Lahr et al. (1986)
Naganoken-Seibu, Japan 6.1 9/14/1984 760 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Laramie, WY 5.1 10/18/1984 240-300 Spence et al. (1996)
Round Valley, CA 5.7 11/23/1984 760 Prejean et al. (2002)
New Britain, New Guinea 7.1 5/101985 240-300 Mori et al. (1987)
Loma Prieta, CA 7.1 10/17/1989 360-490 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Tres Pinos, CA 5.3 1/26/1986 490-620 Du et al. (2003)
Painesville, Ohio 5 1/31/1986 300-360 Glassmoyer and Borcherdt (1990)
Mt Lewis, CA 5.5 3/31/1986 490-620 Kilb and Rubin (2002)
San Salvador, El Salvador 5.4 10/10/1986 360-490 Harlow et al. (1993)
Omachi, Japan 5.3 12/30/1986 620-760 Okumura (2001)
Cerro Prieto, Mexico 5.5 2/7/1987 180-240 Glowacka et al. (1999)
Wabash Valley, Illinois 4.4 6/10/1987 240-300 Langer and Bollinger (1991)
Xunwu, China 4.8 8/2/1987 180-240 Wei and Chung (1993)
Lakeside, Utah 4.6 9/25/1987 490-620 Lund et al. (1991)
Colorado Plateau, Utah 5.3 8/14/1988 490-620 Wong and Humphrey (1989)
Pasadena, CA 4.2 12/3/1988 360-490 Jones et al. (1990)
South Wasatch, Utah 4.8 1/30/1989 490-620 McCalpin and Nishenko (1996)
Izu-Oshima, Japan 6.4 2/20/1990 620-760 Wyss et al. (1996)
Upland, CA 5.5 2/28/1990 300-360 Dreger and Helmberger (1991)
Lee Vining, CA 5.2 10/24/1990 490-620 Wieczorek and Jäger (1996)
Joshua Tree, CA 6.3 4/23/1992 360-490 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Big Bear, CA 6.7 6/28/1992 620-760 Wiemer and Wyss (1994)
Strike Slip Events With Surface Rupture (in chronological order)
Location/Name Mw Date Vs30 Reference
Fort Tejon, CA 8.3 1/09/1857 360-490 Stein and Lin (2004)
Hayward, CA* 6.8 10/21/1868 240-300 Leinkaemper and Williams (1999)
Owens Valley, CA 8 3/26/1872 760 McClusky and Bjornstad (2001)
Nobi, Japan 8 10/27/1891 620-760 Pollitz and Sacks (1995)
San Francisco, CA 7.8 4/18/1906 360-490 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Kansu, China 8.5 12/16/1920 360-490 Cavalié et al. (2008)
Tango, Japan 7.7 3/7/1927 760 Hodgson (1927)
Noth Izu, Japan 7.3 11/25/1930 760 Shimazaki and Somerville (1979)
Kehetuohai-E, China 7.9 8/10/1931 620-760 Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
Cedar Mountain, Nevada 7.2 12/21/1932 620-760 Gianella and Callaghan (1934)
Tuntzuchio, Taiwan* 7.1 4/21/1935 360-490 Yoko Otaa,Yue-Gau Chenb and Wen-Shan (1999)
Kirsehir, Turkey 6.8 4/19/1938 490-620 Bayrak et al. (2009)
Erzihcan, Turkey 7.8 12/26/1939 620-760 Grosserhelmut (1998)
Imperial Valley, CA 7.2 5/19/1940 180-240 Trifunac (1940)
Erbaa, Turkey 7.2 12/20/1942 760 Fraser et al. (2010)
Sikano, Japan 7.4 9/10/1943 760 Sugimura and Matsuda (1965)
Kastamonu, Turkey 7.5 11/26/1943 620-760 Fraser at al. (2010)
Bolu, Turkey 7.5 2/1/1944 620-760 Kondo et al. (2005)
Ustukran, Turkey 6 5/31/1946 620-760 Bayrak et al. (2008)
Tainan, Taiwan 6.7 12/4/1946 300-360 Wang and Shin (1988)
Elmaldiere, Turkey 6.9 8/17/1949 490-620 Moran et al. (2009)
Superstition Hills, CA 5.6 1/23/1951 300-360 Magistrale et al. (1989)
Damxung, China 8 11/18/1951 >760 Klinger et al. (2005)
Yuli-Juisu, Taiwan* 7.4 11/24/1951 360-490 Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
Canakkale, Turkey 7.2 3/18/1953 490-620 K¸rÁer (2008)
Fairview Peak, Nevada* 7.2 12/16/1954 620-760 Caskey and Wesnousky (1996)
Dixie Valley, Nevada 6.8 12/16/1954 620-760 Caskey and Wesnousky (1996)
San Miguel, Mexico 6.9 2/9/1956 620-760 Hirabayashi et al. (1996)
Abant, Turkey 7 5/26/1957 620-760 Neugebauer (1995)
Gobi-Altai, Mongolia 7.9 12/4/1957 490-620 Cunningham et al. (1996)
Lituya Bay, Alaska* 7.9 7/10/1958 690-760 Miller (1960)
Skopje, Yugoslavia 6.1 7/26/1963 620-760 Poceski (1969)
Parkfield, CA 6.4 6/28/1966 360-490 Eaton et al. (1970)
Varto, Turkey 6.8 8/19/1966 490-620 Ambraseys and Zatopek (1960)
Mogod, Mongolia 7.4 1/7/1967 490-620 Bayasgalan and Jackson (1999)
Mudurnu Valley, Turkey 7.4 7/22/1967 490-620 Wright et al. (2001)
Dibra, Albania 6.6 11/30/1967 >760 Sulstarova et al. (2000)
Agios-Efstratios, Greece 7.2 2/19/1968 620-760 Pavlides (1990)
Borrego Mountain, CA 6.8 4/9/1968 620-760 Ebel and Helmberger (1982)
Dasht-e-Bayaz, Iran 7.1 8/31/1968 620-760 Tchalenko and Ambraseys (1969)
Tonghai, China 7.5 1/4/1970 620-760 Zhou et al. (1983)
Bingol, Turkey 6.7 5/22/1971 620-760 Taymaz et al. (1991)
Managua, Nicaragua 6.2 12/23/1972 360-490 Dewey and Algermissen (1974)
Luhuo, China 7.3 2/6/1973 620-760 Allen et al. (2011)
Izu-Oki, Japan 6.5 5/8/1974 490-620 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Brawley, CA* 4.6 1/23/1975 300-360 Johnson and Hadley (1976)
Haicheng, China 7.4 2/4/1975 490-620 Wang et al. (2006)
Galway Lake, CA 5.2 5/31/1975 490-620 Hill and Beeby (1977)
Motagua, Guatamala 7.5 2/4/1976 620-760 Bucknam et al. (1978)
Tangshan, China 7.9 7/27/1976 490-620 Butler et al. (1979)
Caldiran, Turkey 7.3 11/24/1976 620-760 Barka and Reilinger (1997)
Bob-Tangol, Iran* 5.8 12/19/1977 360-490 Berberian and Arshadi (1977)
Izu-Oshima, Japan* 6.6 1/14/1978 620-760 Shimakazi and Somerville (1979)
Homestead Valley, CA 5.6 3/15/1979 620-760 Rockell at al. (2000)
Coyote Lake, CA 5.7 8/6/1979 620-760 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
El Centro, CA 6.7 10/15/1979 180-240 Hartzell and Heaton (1983)
Kurizan, Iran 6.7 11/14/1979 360-490 Nowroozi (1985)
Koli, Iran* 7.1 11/27/1979 620-760 Nowroozi and Ahmadi (1986)
Greenville, CA* 5.9 1/24/1980 620-760 Bolt et al. (1981)
Daofu, China* 6.8 1/23/1981 620-760 Zhou et al. (1983)
Pasinler Turkey 6.9 10/30/1983 620-760 Nalbant and King (1999)
Guinea, West Africa 6.2 12/22/1983 360-490 Langer et al. (1987)
Constantine, Algeria 5.9 10/27/1985 300-360 Bounif and Dorbath (1998)
Palm Springs, CA 6 7/8/1986 620-780 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Chalfant Valley, CA* 6.2 7/21/1986 490-620 Smith and Priestly (1986)
Elmore Ranch, CA 6.2 11/24/1987 180-240 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Superstition Hills, CA 6.6 11/24/1987 300-360 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Lancang-Gengma, China 7.3 11/6/1988 620-760 Wu et al. (2007)
Gengma/Yunnan, China 7.2 11/6/1988 620-760 Wu et al. (2007)
Luzon, Philippines 7.8 7/16/1990 620-760 Velasco (1996)
Erzincan, Turkey 6.8 3/13/1992 620-760 Bernard et al. (1992)
Landers, CA 7.6 6/28/1992 490-620 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
Izu-Hanto-Toho, Japan 6.2 6/29/1980 620-760 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/static/srcmod/Events.html (5)
*indicates an event with ambiguity in the surface trace


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