Electronic Supplement to
The AHEAD Portal: A Gateway to European Historical Earthquake Data

by Mario Locati, Andrea Rovida, Paola Albini, and Massimiliano Stucchi

Macroseismic Intensity symbols color codes

The standard AHEAD symbol set used to represent macroseismic intensity values on the maps, is based on circles of the same size, warmer colors for higher intensities and colder colors for lower intensities; uncertain intensities have the two colors corresponding to the higher and lower intensity.

Uncertain intensities are represented with two concentric circles; the internal circle has the color of the lower value, and the external circle has the color of the higher value. The unconventional, although widely used value "F", felt, is represented using an empty circle.

The symbol set developed by AHEAD has been included in the "New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (NMSOP-2)" (Chapter 12, Musson and Cecić, 2012).


Intensity Symbol Hexadecimal codes RGB values
Fill Stroke Fill Stroke
Red Green Blue Red Green Blue
1 #FFFFFF - 255 255 255 - - -
2 #9C9CFF - 156 156 255 - - -
2-3 #9C9CFF #95FFFF 149 255 255 156 156 255
3 #6FFFFF - 111 255 255 - - -
3-4 #6FFFFF #3ABB4B 111 255 255 58 187 75
4 #3ABB4B - 56 181 71 - - -
4-5 #3ABB4B #A0FF00 56 181 71 160 255 0
5 #A0FF00 - 160 255 0 - - -
5-6 #99F400 #FBF400 153 244 0 251 244 0
6 #FBF400 - 251 244 0 - - -
6-7 #FBF400 #FF9F40 255 255 32 255 159 64
7 #FF9F40 - 255 159 64 - - -
7-8 #FF9F40 #FF0000 255 159 64 255 0 0
8 #FF0000 - 255 0 0 - - -
8-9 #FF1515 #9F1400 255 0 0 159 20 0
9 #941100 - 148 17 0 - - -
9-10 #AA1500 #5E0095 170 21 0 94 0 149
10 #5E0095 - 94 0 149 - - -
10-11 #5E0095 #000000 100 0 159 0 0 0
11 #000000 - 0 0 0 - - -


Musson, R. M. W., and I. Cecić (2012). Intensity and Intensity Scales, in New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice 2 (NMSOP-2) P. Bormann ed., Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam, 1-41; doi:10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_ch12

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