Special Interest Groups 2020

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are open to all attendees and are organized by community members.

Seismic Tomography 2020: What Comes Next?

Wednesday, 29 April 2020, 7:45 p.m.

This Special Interest Group meeting encourages SSA members to be involved in shaping and developing the Seismic Tomography 2020 meeting to be held 9-11 October 2020 in Toronto, Ontario. Tomography 2020 aims to be a forum for tomography experts and others working with tomography to present recent findings and evaluate techniques and models. The co-chairs are especially interested in encouraging attendees to come with ambitious ideas for advancing tomography’s reach in the geosciences.

The Special Interest Group is free to attend, but RSVP is required during registration.

Conveners: Andreas Fichtner (ETH Zürich), Clifford Thurber (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

SOS: Save Our Seismograms

Wednesday, 29 April 2020, 7:45 p.m.

Analog seismograms comprise a vast and largely untapped data source, one that is increasingly at risk. The era of analog seismic data spans more than a century, much longer than the current digital era. Although many seismograms have been lost to natural causes as well as willful destruction, there are still many millions of records in existence.  All of these are at risk from deterioration and many from pressures related to storage space and its associated costs. Analog data collections range from small personal collections to institutional archives numbering in the millions of seismograms. These data sets are not only hard to access but require innovative approaches to perform any type of modern seismic analysis. To unlock their potential, these records and their associated metadata must be scanned and digitized. Strategies must be developed for standards and data sharing. Digitized legacy seismograms have the potential to enable discoveries in many fields. These include not only seismotectonics and seismic hazard, but also Earth structure from crust to core, induced seismicity, ambient noise, tsunamis, landslides, volcanoes and effects associated with climate change. As this data set is rediscovered, researchers have successfully adapted and applied techniques developed for use with digital data, among which are moment tensor inversion, machine learning, tomography and a myriad of spectral analyses. We invite you to learn more and join our growing community.

Conveners: Allison Bent (Natural Resources Canada); Diane Doser (Univ. Texas El Paso); Garrett Euler (Los Alamos National Laboratory); Peggy Hellweg (UC Berkeley); Lorraine Hwang (UC Davis); Kaiwen Wang (Stanford University)