Electronic Supplement to
Seismicity of Algeria from 1365 to 2013: Maximum Observed Intensity Map (MOI2014).

by A. Ayadi and M. Bezzeghoud

This electronic supplement contains the list of the earthquakes that were used to draw the Maximum Observed Intensity Map (MOI 2014).


Table S1. Earthquake database used in the preparation of the maximum observed intensity (MOI2014) map. Table S1 information was extracted from the Algerian seismic catalog, with Mercalli intensity greater than V, and provides the date, time, localization of the epicenters, the locality where the event was strongly felt, and the references (authors or agencies) that reported the event.

Data and Resources

Data from the Institut de Météorologie et de Physique du Globe d‘Alger (IMPGA, Algeria), Centre National d‘Astronomie, d‘Astrophysique et de Géophysique (CNAAG, Algiers, Algeria), Seccion de Seismologia e Ingenieria Sismica (SSIS, Spain), and Bureau Central International de Sismologie de Strasbourg (BCIS, France) are available from the corresponding author upon request.


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