Electronic Supplement to
The Seismicity of Portugal and Its Adjacent Atlantic Region from 1300 to 2014: Maximum Observed Intensity (MOI) Map

by C. Ferrão, M. Bezzeghoud, B. Caldeira, and J. F. Borges

This electronic supplement contains the earthquake database used in the preparation of the maximum observed intensity (MOI) map.


Table S1. Earthquake database used in the preparation of the maximum observed intensity (MOI) map. This table only shows the events that have intensities greater than V and is formatted so that it gives information regarding the date, time, localization of the epicenters (latitude and longitude), locations where the event was strongly felt, maximum intensity observed, corresponding factor of quality, magnitude, and the references (authors or agencies) that reported the event. Some earthquakes in mainland Portugal have more than one value for the maximum observed intensity. Quality factor (QF) is described in detail in the main article (see Table 2 of the main article). The table is formatted as shown below. Dashes indicate that the magnitude is not available.

Column 1: Date of the event (day/month/year)

Column 2: Time of the occurrence hh:mm (hours:minutes)

Column 3: Location where the maximum intensity of the earthquake was felt

Column 4: North latitude in degrees

Column 5: West longitude in degrees

Column 6: Maximum observed intensity onshore

Column 7: Maximum observed intensity offshore

Column 8: Quality factor to the maximum intensity

Column 9: Magnitude (when available): surface-wave magnitude (Ms), local magnitude (ML), and moment magnitude (Mw)

Column 10: References for the data (reported)

Data and Resources

Data are available from the literature listed in the references section and the electronic supplement, and from the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA, Lisbon; https://www.ipma.pt, last accessed December 2014); Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM; http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/, last accessed December 2015); ETOPO1, topography/bathymetry dataset (https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/global.html, last accessed December 2015).


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