Electronic Supplement to
Some Integrals Useful in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

by M. Ordaz


This electronic supplement consists of an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to compute the integrals presented in the paper, which are solutions to some canonical cases of computation of probabilistic seismic hazard.

The following cases are presented:

  1. Point source with median deterministic attenuation relation
  2. Point source with probabilistic attenuation relation
  3. A disk of uniform seismicity, with probabilistic attenuation relations

These three cases are solved for two magnitude-frequency relations: the so called normal Gutenberg-Richter relation and the modified Gutenberg-Richter law; both relations are defined in the paper.

In the spreadsheet, results are presented in terms of exceedance rates for a range of intensities, given by the user. Results are computed for 100 points, log-spaced, between values amin and amax, given by the user.

The user has control of all input values, which are shown with a yellow shade in the spreadsheet.

Download: SomeIntegrals.xls [Microsoft Excel spreadsheet - 268 KB]

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