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September/October 2005

Thomas J. Owens
E-mail: owens@sc.edu
Department of Geological Sciences
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Phone: +1-803-777-4530
Fax: +1-803-777-0906

Over the Network and to the Grid

The folks at the Southern California Earthquake Center are rising rapidly to the top of the Electronic Seismologist's Favorite People List. First, because they are doing interesting work in keeping seismology on the leading edge of the IT world. Second (and far more important in their ESFPL ranking), they are more than willing to share their experiences through contributions to the ES. This issue the subject is "Grid Computing." Although not the most overhyped IT term at the moment (that would be "Web Services"), grid computing is a phrase that gets tossed around in a lot of settings where the ES suspects those involved may not have a firm grasp of what it really means. As luck would have it, the ES knows a few things about grid computing, having pioneered the method in the early 1980's. Over Thanksgiving break. In today's vernacular, the ES ran his own Virtual Organization back then when traveling from Utah to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to access data and computer re-sources (and to bicycle ... a lot). In addition to being a key financial supporter of the ES's Ph.D. research, LLNL is conven-iently located near the Fall AGU venue, and Thanksgiving is conveniently placed a couple of weeks before AGU. And all those lab folks actually take Thanksgiving off! Recognizing this unique opportunity to start a revolution in information technology (and finish his AGU talk), the ES spent a couple of Thanksgivings at LLNL running dozens of receiver function inversions (12 hours each). Grid security was no problem in the early days, once you got past the people with uniforms and guns. Resource discovery and monitoring--wander the halls and computer rooms looking for free systems! Data transfer--9-track tapes. Job submission--walk around to as many machines as you could find and run a script. After that, it got a little boring. Fortunately, these were also the early days of microwave dinners, so the ES could settle in for one or more pseudoturkey dinners while his grid worked. Now, there have been a few minor innovations since this original seismological foray into grid computing. My friend Al invented the Internet, which quickly replaced the rolly chair that the ES used to get from machine to machine after those turkey dinners, and then the SCEC folks came along and made the whole thing purr. The ES apologizes if any other con-tributors may have been overlooked.

Grid Computing In The SCEC Community Modeling Environment

Philip Maechling1, Vipin Gupta1, Nitin Gupta1, Edward H. Field2, David Okaya1, and Thomas H. Jordan1

1. Southern California Earthquake Center
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0742
Telephone: +1-213-740-5843
Fax: +1-213-740-0011
E-mail: maechlin@usc.edu, vgupta@usc.edu, niting@usc.edu, okaya@usc.edu, tjordan@usc.edu

2. U.S. Geological Survey
525 South Wilson Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106-0001
Telephone: +1-626-583-7814
E-mail: field@usgs.gov

Dynamic Communities Sharing Computer Resources

In our work on the Southern California Earthquake Center Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) Project (Jordan et al., 2003), we are developing computer systems to support dynamic distributed scientific collaborations. Scientists participat-ing in SCEC collaborations are often willing to share their computer resources, particularly if in return they can gain access to computing capabilities that they do not currently possess. Interorganizational computer sharing can be difficult to achieve due to the many organizational and technical differences between groups. Recently, however, a new software technology called grid computing (Foster et al., 2001) has emerged which is designed to help dynamic organizations, such as SCEC, share heteroge-neous collections of computer and storage resources.

Grid Computing and Virtual Organizations

Grid technology enables organizations to share computer resources with other organizations even when the shared computers are administered differently and have dissimilar hardware and operating systems. Organizations can create a grid environment to provide their users with computer resources such as CPU cycles, disk storage, and software programs that are available outside of their local computer administrative domains. This is done by creating a new computer administrative domain referred to as a virtual organization (VO). A VO has its own set of administrative policies that represents a combination of local computer policies, the computer policies of the groups you are sharing with, plus some administrative policies required by the VO itself. When we run a program on the "grid", we are saying, in a sense, that our program is running outside of our own local adminis-trative domain. Grid middleware is used to facilitate the execution of computer programs in a VO.

In addition to creating multiorganizational administrative domains, grid middleware also strives to hide the heterogeneity of the shared computing environment. Grid software provides a set of commands to perform basic computing operations, and these commands are the same regardless of the underlying computers and operating systems.

Fundamental Grid Computing Capabilities
Grid Computing Capability Description of Functionality
Grid Security Identify computer users and computers in the grid and define what each user is permitted to do
Data Transfer Transfer data from one computer to another
Job Submission Run a computer program on a local or remote computer
Resource Discovery Determine what computers and what data storage devices are in the grid and the status of these resources

Basic Grid Computing Capabilities

Grid computing is built upon four basic capabilities. These capabilities are security, data transfer, job submission, and discov-ery and monitoring of computing resources. Grid computing is based on the premise that these four capabilities are the basic building blocks required to share computer resources in a meaningful way. Table 1 briefly describes each of these fundamental capabilities.

Before we describe these grid functions in detail, let's look at how these capabilities can be combined to share computer re-sources. Assume a user wants to run a program on a remote, grid-enabled, computer. First he runs a grid security program to establish his identity on the grid. Then he issues a grid monitoring command to confirm that the remote computer isn't too busy. Then he runs a grid data transfer command to move his program, and input files, from his local computer to the remote computer. Now he issues a grid job submission command to run the program on the remote computer. Finally, he uses a grid data transfer command to copy the resulting output files back to his local computer for further analysis.

In our following discussion, we describe grid commands that are provided by our grid software. While these commands are a useful starting place, and they help explain basic grid capabilities, we should point out that users typically don't interact with the grid using these basic grid commands because the commands are quite cumbersome. The real grid-computing payoff comes when grid commands are called programmatically from application programs. Then complex systems can be built on top of grid services. When this is done, grid-based computer sharing occurs transparently to the user. The grid-based OpenSHA Hazard Map application described in a companion article (Field et al., 2005) is an example of how grid computing can be so well inte-grated into an application program that the use of the grid becomes transparent to the user.

Relationship between Grid Computing and Distributed Computing

Grid computing is a type of distributed computing. In an earlier ES article (Maechling et al., 2005) we discussed a variety of distributed computing techniques, including Java servlets, Java RMI, CORBA, and Web services. We are sometimes asked how those distributed computing technologies are related to grid computing. To answer this, we start by characterizing those other technologies as distributed component technologies. Software developers utilize distributed components to execute pro-grams on other people's computers. Distributed components do not provide general-purpose computing capabilities, however. Organizations offering distributed components are offering fixed solutions. As long as you want to use the distributed compo-nent exactly as defined by the organization that deployed it, then the system works. If you have your own version of a compo-nent, however, you cannot immediately begin to run it on someone else's computer. You must negotiate the deployment of your version of the component. Grid computing, in contrast, offers a general-purpose computing environment on other people's computers. Once the grid VO is established, you can run your own component on someone else's computer. So the grid pro-vides a general-purpose distributed computing environment. This is a more powerful capability than running only existing dis-tributed components.

Addressing Grid Hype

Within the computer science world, particularly within the high-performance computing community, there has been a lot of interest in grid computing over the last few years. For example, there is now a collection of supercomputers in the U.S. called the TeraGrid (http://www.teragrid.org/) that is configured to support grid computing. The level of interest and activity in grid com-puting have, in some cases, risen to the level of grid hype. Grid hype can hurt organizations in a couple of ways. For one, it leads to unrealistic expectations that grid computing cannot meet. For another, it can attract organizations into grid computing that are not equipped to handle the additional system administrative burden required to establish and maintain a grid.

One of the more common unrealistic grid-computing expectations is that you can plug a grid-enabled computer into a net-work port and immediately gain free, or low-cost, computing cycles. While easy sharing of computer resources through grid technology may eventually make this possible, grid technology has not yet reached this level of ease of use.

Another expectation is that grid computing is a replacement for parallel computing technologies such as computational clusters. Grid software works with computational clusters. For example, it can provide easier access to clusters by providing standardized job submission, data transfer, and monitoring commands. But grid computing does not replace clusters comput-ing. Besides technical issues such as the very high-speed network connections used by clusters, an important distinction is that computational clusters are typically homogenous collections of computers, while grids are typically heterogeneous collections.

There are additional grid issues. Grid software and administration are currently quite complex, and there are very few expe-rienced grid administrators. Our SCEC grid requires a significant amount of system administrator time. If your collaboration will benefit from sharing computers, grid software may work for you. Costs will be associated with rolling out a grid system, however, including training, system administration time, support and maintenance of the grid, and user learning time.

Establishing the SCEC Grid

On the SCEC/CME Project, we built the SCEC grid using Globus Toolkit (http://www.globus.org/), which is the grid software standard in the scientific and academic research worlds. Globus Toolkit is an open-source software distribution available for download from the Globus Web site. Globus Toolkit is a collection of software programs that, once installed and configured on your computer, provides basic grid functionality.

We installed Globus Toolkit on several of our SCEC computers and configured our grid software so that we could access computer resources at collaborating institutions. For example, the SCEC grid computers are configured to share computer and storage resources with the USC High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC; http://www.usc.edu/hpcc/) group, with collaborating groups at USC's Information Sciences Institute (ISI), and with the TeraGrid network of supercomputers.

As we mentioned previously, the SCEC/CME OpenSHA working group has implemented a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Hazard Map program that uses grid software. By using grid software, this PSHA program can be run on a large shared collection of USC workstations called a Condor Pool. The OpenSHA software that performs these hazard map cal-culations is written primarily in Java. The PSHA calculations performed by this software consist of a series of hazard-curve cal-culations. A hazard map with dimensions of 100 km X 100 km and a grid spacing of 1 km requires 10,000 hazard-curve calcula-tions. These hazard-curve calculations are independent and can be performed in any order. Each hazard-curve calculation outputs at least one file.

A second seismological application that we have grid-enabled is an anelastic wave model (AWM) earthquake wave-propagation simulation program written by Kim Olsen called AWM-Olsen (Olsen et al., 1997). AWM-Olsen is used by SCEC researchers for a wide variety of geophysical research. For example, it was used to run the TeraShake (Minster et al., 2004) simulations in Fall 2004. AWM-Olsen is a 4th-order finite-difference Fortran90 program that utilizes the Message Passing Inter-face (MPI) in order to run on computational clusters. We use grid software on SCEC computers to submit this program to both the USC and TeraGrid computational clusters and to transfer the large input and output files between the computational clusters and local SCEC disk storage. As we describe the basic capabilities of grid computing, we'll comment on how grid computing can support these two very different seismological applications.

Grid Security

Globus designers recognized that every grid operation had to be highly secure. If Globus isn't secure, people won't use it to share. Basic Globus grid security is a two-step process: (1) verify a user's identify, and (2) verify that the identified user has permission to use the grid resources he is trying to use. Step 2 is dependent on Step 1.

In a Globus grid, every user is issued a trustworthy identification called a grid certificate. When a user tries to run a grid command, his grid certificate is sent along with the command so the target computer system can determine who has issued the command. Every time a user tries to run a grid command, he must prove his identity with a grid certificate. In security terms, proving one's identify is called authentication. By using robust grid certificates, Globus ensures that it can reliably identify all users in the grid. Computers are also issued grid certificates so that Globus can reliably identify all computers in the grid.

The other half of Globus grid security is called authorization. Once a user proves his identity using a trustworthy grid cer-tificate, Globus checks to see if that person has permission to run the command he has issued. So when a user issues a grid command, Globus first checks his identification, then checks whether that person has permission to do what he is asking to do. It is entirely possible for a grid system to accept a user's identification but to deny that user's grid command due to lack of authorization.

Globus uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)-based grid certificates. Grid certificates are issued and signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). A CA is typically the computer system administration department of an organization. As with personal identi-fications, certain CA's are stricter, or more demanding, than others. A strict CA won't issue a grid certificate without substan-tial verification that you are who you say you are. It is often the case that strict CA's are more widely accepted than less strict CA's. Personal ID's often work the same way. For example, the local fitness center may issue you an ID without asking many questions. Not many other organizations will trust that ID, however. The federal government is significantly more demanding. When you apply for a passport, they take your picture and your fingerprints and they check up on you before they issue you a passport. Once you have the passport, it is widely trusted throughout the world.

This leads us to an important practical issue that organizations face as they begin to use grid computing. To start using Globus software, your organization must decide the following security issues: Which certificate authority (CA) will issue the grid certificates that your users, and computers, will use? Also, which certificate authorities you will trust?

For a test environment, an organization can act as its own CA and issue its own grid certificates. If an organization wishes to interoperate with external grids, however, it will need to find a CA that all participating organizations trust. In the Internet world, an organization called ICANN (http://www.icann.org/) is charged with coordinating the names and numbers used on the In-ternet. There is no equivalent centralized grid Certificate Authority, so organizations usually implement their own CA's and coordinate the use of their grid certificates with other organizations. Access to, or operation of, a Certificate Authority is one of the administrative overheads associated with grid computing.

In the case of our grid-based PSHA program, we want to utilize computers in the USC campus grid. SCEC faculties are on the USC campus, so our users, and computers, are issued grid certificates signed by the USC Certificate Authority. USC ac-cepts its own grid certificates, so SCEC grid computers can interoperate with computers on the USC grid using USC CA-signed grid certificates.

For the AWM-Olsen program, we want to submit jobs to the TeraGrid. In order to interoperate with the TeraGrid, USC spent a substantial amount of time working with TeraGrid security groups to agree upon appropriate computer security policies and procedures. After significant review, and some policy updates, USC and the TeraGrid agreed to accept each other's grid certificates. Now, when SCEC users issue grid commands to be executed on TeraGrid computers, the SCEC users prove their identity using USC CA-signed grid certificates.

Organizations are understandably cautious about which Certificate Authorities they will trust and therefore which grid cer-tificates they will accept. In our experience, CA issues (authentication issues) are the most time-consuming administrative as-pects of setting up a grid.

Table 2 shows an example of a commonly used Globus security command.

Globus Grid Certificate Initialization Command Example
Globus CommandGlobus Security Infrastructure (GSI)
Example% grid-proxy-init -hours 2
Your identity: /C=US/O=USC/OU=SCEC/CN=Philip Maechling/UID=philipm
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ......................................
Your proxy is valid until: Mon Mar 7 17:37:16 2005
DescriptionUser enters a pass phrase to verify identity. Once the pass phrase is accepted, grid commands issued from this account will use that identity for the next two hours.

Common Grid Security Issues

Before we leave the topic of grid security, we'd like to mention three specific security issues that organizations are often con-cerned about: Can an organization limit the use of its grid to only approved individuals? Can an organization prevent a trusted user's grid-based program from damaging its computer, or data? Can grid users transfer data across the grid without exposing the data in clear text?

The first issue is addressed by Globus with the two-part authentication and authorization-based grid security system de-scribed earlier. To use an organization's system, a user must present a trusted identification, a grid certificate. Once the user is reliably identified, the grid software will then verify that the user has permission to issue grid commands on the specified system. Properly configured, grid software does enable organizations to limit use of their computers to approved individuals only.

The second issue is important once trusted users are allowed to run programs, or perform other grid operations, on an orga-nization's computers. Can an organization protect its shared, grid-enabled systems from accidental, or malicious, activities of trusted users? Typically, this is handled by mapping external users to local computer accounts. When an external user issues a grid command, the grid software maps the external user to a local user account. Then the external user has all the permissions of the local user, but no more. For example, the local account may have a disk quota, and so the external grid user will be limited to the quota of the local account to which he is mapped. By mapping remote grid users to local accounts, the disk allocation and file access permissions of external grid users can be controlled and remote grid access can be reasonably safe.

Some grid tools, such as the Condor system that we discuss later, provide a "sandbox"-based approach for running grid programs. In a "sandbox"-based system, external programs run in a secure, well controlled region of the computer and are pre-vented from accessing anything outside this "sandbox." This technique is helpful if the grid users don't have local accounts on all of the grid-enabled computers.

Globus addresses the third concern, transmission security, by providing the capability to encrypt data during transmission using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software that is bundled with Globus. Even sensitive data sets such as passwords and financial data can be transferred securely using Globus grid tools.

Globus Data Transfer Command Example
Globus Command Globus Data Transfer (GridFTP)
Example % globus-url-copy gsiftp://earth2.usc.edu/tmp/testfile2.txt
Description This command will copy a file from the computer earth2 to a file in a local directory called /tmp/testfile1.txt.

Grid Data Transfers

Once grid software is installed, and the grid security issues are worked out, grid commands, such as data transfers, can be is-sued. Globus data transfers use a program called GridFTP. GridFTP has been optimized for high-performance transfers with capabilities such as parallel transfers and partial file transfers that are not commonly found in other versions of FTP. When transferring files using GridFTP, the source and destination files are specified using Uniform Resource Locators (URL's) like the URL's that locate Web pages. This means that files transferred with GridFTP must be placed in locations that are exter-nally visible as URL's. Table 3 shows an example of a Globus URL Copy command that copies a file from a remote computer to a local file.

The data transfer requirements for our two seismological applications are fairly similar. In order to run either of these pro-grams on a remote computer, we copy the executable to the remote computer, copy the input parameter files (if any), start the program on the remote computer, and, when the calculations are done, copy the resulting output files back to our local com-puter.

Grid Job Management

Next, let us consider Globus job management. In the Globus world, job management refers to two main capabilities: job sub-mission and job monitoring. Job submission refers to the process of starting a program on a computer. Job monitoring refers to determining what happened after the program started. We will focus on job submission here, but Globus also provides job monitoring capabilities.

Those of us who primarily run programs on personal computers or workstations do not commonly work with job submis-sion programs. For the most part, we just double-click the program icon, or type the program name and hit the "ENTER", key, and the program starts to run. For UNIX users, the most common job submission programs are the "&" (ampersand) op-erator that runs the program in the background, and the "at" and "cron" commands that schedule programs to run at specific times.

When you are submitting your program to run on a collection of computers (e.g., a pool of computers), however, or if you are submitting your program to run on a computing cluster, job submission is more complex. On these systems, programs are submitted to a job submission manager, often using a job submission script. Submitted programs are placed in a job queue by the job submission manager and a program runs when it reaches the front of the queue. Job queues are managed by a job sched-uler program that uses some type of scheduling algorithm. From the system operator's perspective, it is important to keep the system as busy as possible as long as programs are in the queue. From the user's perspective, it is important to minimize the wait time before the job runs.

There are a variety of job submission managers, and each one has its own job submission language. Job submission sys-tems used in the SCEC grid include Condor (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/) and the Portable Batch System (PBS; http://www.openpbs.org/), each of which has its own scripting language.

Globus implements yet another job submission scripting language called Resource Specification Language (RSL). RSL is a scripting language that can be used to submit a job to run on a Globus grid. RSL is designed to be a universal job-submission scripting language that can be translated into any other job-submission scripting language. Globus takes an RSL command and translates it into the appropriate underlying job-submission language. Because Globus can translate RSL into a variety of job-submission languages, RSL can be used as a universal job-submission language. Table 4 shows an example of an RSL com-mand that submits a job for execution on a remote host.

Our two example grid-based seismological application programs have significantly different job-submission requirements and illustrate how Globus helps support a heterogeneous computing environment.

The characteristics of our PSHA hazard map program make it an ideal candidate to run on a collection of independent com-puters because we run the same program repeatedly and because there are no dependencies between the runs. The USC HPCC group has configured a collection of more than 100 campus workstations as a "pool" of computers that is available for general computing when they are not busy. This collection of computers is called a Condor Pool. Programs can be run on computers in the Condor Pool by using a job-submission program called Condor. The Condor job manager monitors all the computers in the Condor Pool and runs the job at the front of the queue on the next available computer. USC HPCC has installed a version of Condor, called CondorG, which works with Globus.

To submit our PSHA program to the USC Condor Pool, we create a Globus RSL script and submit the RSL script to the Globus job manager. Globus then converts our RSL script to a Condor script and submits the Condor script to the Condor job-submission manager. The Condor job-submission manager places our PSHA program in the Condor Pool queue, and the Condor job scheduler runs the program on the next available computers.

Running the AWM-Olsen program requires a significantly different type of job submission script. The AWM-Olsen program runs on computational clusters. Clusters often use job-submission managers such as the Portable Batch System (PBS) to han-dle user job submissions. It's worth noting how the queuing approach for clusters reverses the queuing approach for a Condor Pool. Condor establishes a single queue over a large collection of computers. PBS establishes many queues, and each queue refers to portions of one large computer. For example, the job queues on the USC HPC Linux Cluster vary by the number of processors that the job will run on, and by the interconnection (e.g., Ethernet, Myrinet) between nodes accessed by the queue.

To run AWM-Olsen on the USC HPC Cluster, or on the TeraGrid, we create an RSL submission script and submit it to the Globus job-submission manager. Globus then translates the RSL script into the appropriate underlying PBS commands and submits the PBS commands to the cluster's own job-submission manager for execution.

Globus Job Submission Command Example
Globus Command Globus Resource Allocation Management (GRAM)
Example % globus-job-run earth1.usc.edu -s myprog
Description This command will submit the program called "myprog" to execute on the computer earth1.usc.edu and will copy the executable to the target machine if necessary.

Globus Monitoring and Discovery Command Example
Globus Command Globus Monitoring and Discovery Services (MDS)
Example % grid-info-search Ðh earth1.usc.edu -x
dn: Mds-Host-hn=earth1.usc.edu,Mds-Vo-name=local,o=grid
Mds-Cpu-model: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 1
Mds-Cpu-speedMHz: 1394
Mds-Os-name: Linux
Mds-Memory-Ram-Total-sizeMB: 4800
Mds-Cpu-Total-Free-15minX100: 385
Mds-Device-name: /usr/local
Mds-Fs-sizeMB: 9844
Description This Globus Monitoring and Discovery command returns detailed information about computers in the grid, including operating system, type of CPU's in the system, amount of RAM, free time of the CPU's, and file system information.

Grid Monitoring and Discovery

Before running a job on a remote computer, it is important to verify that the remote computer meets the minimum system re-quirements for your program. Globus provides a Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS) to make this possible. MDS allows users to determine information about computers in the grid such as the type of CPU's, the operating system, the amount of computer memory, how busy the system is, and file system information such as size and free space. Table 5 shows an example of an MDS command and the type of information that is returned.

The Globus MDS system separates system-monitoring capabilities from the query and reporting capabilities for performance and convenience reasons. In the background, Globus continuously monitors the grid and places status information into a cached schema. When a user queries for system status, status information is retrieved from the cached schema. By using this caching system, users can query a single system, and Globus can respond quickly with information about all the systems in the organi-zation's grid.

Grid Issues and Risk Reduction Strategies

No grid computing discussion is complete without comments on limitations with current grid systems. One significant issue regarding grid software is that it is changing rapidly. Globus, in particular, has been changing versions quite frequently. Due to this rapid rate of change, Globus installations around the country have a variety of Globus versions deployed, which leads to compatibility issues. On the SCEC/CME Project, as our baseline, we use the version of Globus that is distributed in the cur-rent National Science Foundation Middleware Initiative (NMI; http://www.nsf-middlewar.org/) software distribution. When NMI re-leases a software distribution that contains a new version of Globus, we upgrade our systems with the new release. NMI releases tend to be less frequent than new versions of Globus. We believe that the NMI releases are well tested and that they are widely installed. Interoperability is high. The NMI version of Globus lags behind the latest Globus release, however, so you don't have immediate access to new features.

Another issue to consider is that the grid software shake-out is just beginning. The Globus Toolkit is the de-facto grid software standard within scientific communities, and therefore we believe it is a good choice for SCEC. Other grid software tools are available, however, including versions from commercial vendors such as Sun, Avaki, Data Synapse, and others. It is not clear what the grid software standard will be five years from now. The key to selecting grid software is to select standards-based grid software. The leading grid software standards bodies are the Global Grid Forum (http://www.ggf.org/) and the World Wide Web Consortium (http://www.w3.org/). Standards-based grid software from one vendor should interoperate with standards-based grid software from another vendor. We recommend working with grid software that is based on GGF and W3C software standards.


We believe that SCEC and other research groups will benefit by sharing computer resources. Since grid computing provides at least a partial solution to the problem of sharing computer resources, it addresses a real need in the scientific community, and it is likely to persist in some form. We believe that grid software will eventually be integrated into operating system and network software installed on most computers.

As the technical issues related to grid computing are resolved, and as organizations begin to recognize the benefits of shar-ing computers, the challenges associated with using grids will shift from technical issues to organizational issues. Research or-ganizations will need to develop new processes for defining priority of access, fair use, and compensation for use of shared com-puter resources. For those of us building collaboratories, the long-term significance of grid computing is likely to be less tech-nical and more social because it challenges us to define, in very unambiguous terms, what sharing means within our collabora-tions.


Field, E. H., N. Gupta, V. Gupta, M. Blanpied, P. Maechling, and T. H. Jordan (2005). Hazard calculations for the WGCEP-2002 forecast using OpenSHA and distributed object technologies, Seismological Research Letters 76, 161-167.

Field, E. H., V. Gupta, N. Gupta, P. Maechling, and T. H Jordan (2005). Hazard map calculations using grid computing, Seismological Research Letters (in review).

Field, E. H., T. H. Jordan, and C. A. Cornell (2003). OpenSHA: A developing community-modeling environment for seismic hazard analysis, Seismological Research Letters 74, 406-419.

Foster I., C. Kesselman, and S. Tuecke (2001), The anatomy of the grid: Enabling scalable virtual organizations, International Journal of Supercomputer Applications 15.

Jordan, T. H., P. J. Maechling, and the SCEC/CME Collaboration (2003). The SCEC Community Modeling Environment: An information infra-structure for system-level science, Seismological Research Letters 74, 324-328.

Maechling, P., Vipin Gupta, Nitin Gupta, Edward H. Field, David Okaya, and Thomas H. Jordan (2005). Seismic hazard analysis using dis-tributed computing in the SCEC Community Modeling Environment, Seismological Research Letters 76, 177-181.

Minster, J. B., K. Olsen, R. Moore, S. Day, P. Maechling, T. Jordan, M. Faerman, Y. Cui, G. Ely, Y. Hu, B. Shkoller, C. Marcinkovich, J. Bielak, D. Okaya, R. Archuleta, N. Wilkins-Diehr, S. Cutchin, A. Chourasia, G. Kremenek, A. Jagatheesan, L. Brieger, A. Majumdar, G. Chukka-palli, Q. Xin, R. Moore, B. Banister, D. Thorp, P. Kovatch, L. Diegel, T. Sherwin, C. Jordan, M. Thiebaux, and J. Lopez (2004). The SCEC TeraShake earthquake simulation, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 85, Fall Meeting Supplement, abstract SF31B-05.

Olsen, K., R. Madariaga, and R. Archuleta (1997). Three dimensional dynamic simulation of the 1992 Landers earthquake, Science 278, 834-838.

WGCEP (Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities) (1988). Probabilities of large earthquakes occurring in California on the San Andreas Fault, USGS Open-File Report 88-393.

SRL encourages guest columnists to contribute to the "Electronic Seismologist." Please contact Tom Owens with your ideas. His e-mail address is owens@sc.edu.



Posted: 23 September 2005