Electronic Supplement to
Ground Motions from the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake Constrained by a Detailed Assessment of Macroseismic Data

by Stacey S. Martin, Susan E. Hough, and Charleen Hung

For the events discussed in the text, we present tabulated summaries of macroseismic effects at 3831 locations for the 25 April 2015 Gorkha earthquake (Table S1), at 26 locations for the sunset event on 26 August 1833 (Table S2), at 22 locations for the event at ~23:35 local time on 26 August 1833 (Table S3), and 105 locations for the event at ~23:56 local time on 26 August 1833 (Table S4). All four tables are also accompanied by ASCII (text) files consisting of latitude, longitude, the 1998 European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98) intensity, and location name. Table S5 contains additional source information for Table S1.


Table S1. Listing of 3831 locations with EMS-98 intensity assignments for the 25 April 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake. Localities within large cities follow the format “city name = locality” (e.g., “Kathmandu = Tundikhel”). Country/state abbreviations: AP, Andhra Pradesh; AR, Arunachal Pradesh; AS, Assam; BD, Bangladesh; BH, Bihar; BT, Bhutan; CG, Chhattisgarh; CN, China; DL, Delhi; GJ, Gujarat; HP, Himachal Pradesh; HR, Haryana; JH, Jharkhand; JK, Jammu and Kashmir; KL, Kerala; KN, Karnataka; MG, Meghalaya; MH, Maharashtra; MN, Manipur; MP, Madhya Pradesh; MY, Myanmar; MZ, Mizoram; NG, Nagaland; NP, Nepal; OD, Odisha; PK, Pakistan; PN, Punjab (India); RJ, Rajasthan; SK, Sikkim; TN, Tamil Nadu; TR, Tripura; TS, Telangana; UK, Uttarakhand; UP, Uttar Pradesh; WB, West Bengal. Damage grades and vulnerability classes are from Grünthal et al. (1998). See Table S5 for additional source information.

Download: Table_S1_ASCII [Zip Archive of ASCII Text; ~40 KB]. This downloadable ASCII table contains latitude, longitude, and EMS-98 intensities from the HTML version of Table S1. (It does not contain detailed descriptions or source material.)

Table S2. Listing of 26 locations with descriptions, EMS-98 intensities, and sources for the event at sunset on 26 August 1833. Country abbreviations: BD, Bangladesh; CN, China; IN, India; and NP, Nepal. Modern names are in parentheses. All newspaper sources are from Bilham (1995), with the exception of the Calcutta Courier (Kolkata, India).

Download: Table_S2_ASCII [Zip Archive of ASCII Text; ~735 B]. This downloadable ASCII table contains latitude, longitude, and EMS-98 intensities from the HTML version of Table S2. (It does not contain detailed descriptions or source material.)

Table S3. Listing of 22 locations with descriptions, EMS-98 intensities, and sources for the event at ~23:35 local time on 26 August 1833. Country abbreviations: BD, Bangladesh; IN, India; and NP, Nepal. Modern names are in parentheses. All newspaper sources are from Bilham (1995) with the exception of the Calcutta Courier (Kolkata, India).

Download: Table_S3_ASCII [Zip Archive of ASCII Text; ~670 B]. This downloadable ASCII table contains latitude, longitude, and EMS-98 intensities from the HTML version of Table S3. (It does not contain detailed descriptions or source material.)

Table S4. Listing of 105 locations with descriptions, EMS-98 intensities, and sources for the event at ~23:55 local time on 26 August 1833. Country abbreviations: BD, Bangladesh; CN, China; IN, India; and NP, Nepal. Modern names are in parentheses. Localities within large cities follow the format “city name = locality” (e.g., “Kathmandu = Tundikhel”). All newspaper sources are from Bilham (1995), with the exception of the Calcutta Courier (Kolkata, India).

Download: Table_S4_ASCII [Zip Archive of ASCII Text; ~2 KB]. This downloadable ASCII table contains latitude, longitude, and EMS-98 intensities from the HTML version of Table S4. (It does not contain detailed descriptions or source material.)

Table S5. Newspaper publisher locations for Table S1.


Ambraseys, N. N., and J. Douglas (2004) Magnitude calibration of north Indian earthquakes, Geophys. J. Int. 159, pp. 165–206.

Anonymous (2015). 中国地震局发布尼泊尔8.1级地震烈度图 (Tibet earthquake information, Nepal earthquake, China Earthquake Administration Release of Nepal M=8.1 Seismic Intensity Map, http://www.eq-xz.net/newweb/showart.asp?id=1907 (last accessed July 2015) (in Chinese).

Bilham, R. (1995). Location and magnitude of the 1833 Nepal earthquake and its relation to the rupture zones of contiguous great Himalayan earthquakes, Curr. Sci. 69, no. 2, 155–187.

Campbell, A. (1833a). Account of the Earthquake at Kathmandu, J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 2, no. 23, 564–569.

Campbell, A. (1833b). Further particulars of the earthquake in Nepal, J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 2, no. 24, 636–639.

Lawrence, J. (1834). Missionary Herald, George Wightman, London, United Kingdom, pp. 217–218.

McClelland, J. (1835). Some Inquires in the Province of Kemaon Relative to Geology, and Other Branches of Natural Science, Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta, India, pp. 206–209.

Parkes, F. (1850). Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque, during Four and Twenty Years in the East; with Revelations of Life in the Zenana, Pelham Richardson, London, United Kingdom, 285 pp.

Rana, B. S. J. B. (1934). The Great Earthquake in Nepal (Nepalko mahabhukamp, in Nepali; English translation by Kesar Lal [Editor], 2013, as English Title), Kathmandu, Nepal, 136 pp.

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