Electronic Supplement to
Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for the Chilean Subduction Zone

by Gonzalo A. Montalva, Nicolás Bastías, and Adrian Rodriguez-Marek

This electronic supplement contains three tables presenting the coefficients for the high-quality model (HQ model) and confidence intervals for the main model and HQ model. Table S1 shows all the coefficients for the HQ model that was fitted using only a subset of the data with reported moment magnitude (i.e., not inferred from local magnitude) and measured VS30. Table S2 presents the 95% confidence intervals for the main model coefficients; these values are the outcome of the bootstrap analysis described in the main article. Table S3 lists the 95% confidence intervals for the coefficients of HQ model. Figure S1 shows a comparison of the distance attenuation between the ground-motion prediction model developed in this study and the Abrahamson et al. (2016) model. The empirical data from Maule earthquake are superimposed.


Figure S1. Distance attenuation comparison between the Abrahamson et al. (2016) model (dashed line) and this study (solid line) for Mw 8.8 and VS30 value of 500 (m/s). The Maule earthquake data are superimposed.


Table S1. Regression coefficients for the HQ model.

Table S2. 95% confidence intervals for main model’s coefficients.

Table S3. 95% confidence intervals for HQ model’s coefficients.

MATLAB Program

Download: GMPE_CHILE_MBR.m [Zipped MATLAB script; ~4 KB]. MATLAB implementation of the ground-motion prediction equation (GMPE). This MATLAB script can be used to obtain the ground-motion parameters predicted by the main model, and the corresponding standard deviations.


Abrahamson, N., N. Gregor, and K. Addo (2016). BC Hydro ground motion prediction equations for subduction earthquakes, Earthq. Spectra 32, no. 1, 23–44.

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