Apply for an Annual Meeting Travel Grant

SSA offers four types of travel grants to participate in the 2025 Annual Meeting:

  • Student Travel Grants are available to SSA student members from inside or outside the U.S.
  • Early-Career Grants are available to early-career members who are members in good standing.
  • International Travel Grants are available to SSA members who are not students and who must travel from outside the U.S. to attend the SSA meeting.
  • ESC/SSA Travel Grants are available to anyone traveling from a member-state of the European Seismological Commission. An active SSA membership is not required to apply for this grant. This grant is provided under a cooperative agreement between SSA and ESC. Click here to see the list of ESC member-states.

All travel grant recipients must be first author on their abstract and present their work in either an oral or poster session at the meeting. Only one application per category per institution may be awarded.

All student and early-career applicants must have a faculty advisor or supervisor submit a one-to-two paragraph letter of support to by 30 November 2024.

Applicants will be evaluated on their personal essay, abstract and letter of support (if required). The SSA Annual Meeting Travel Grant program is highly competitive, awarding 21 grants out of 83 applicants for the 2024 Annual Meeting in Alaska. Learn more about our past recipients.

The grants include complimentary registration and funds to support lodging, meals and travel accommodations.

Conveners: If you will be convening an Annual Meeting session and qualify for one of the above Annual Meeting travel grants, you may apply without submitting an abstract. In the section where it asks for your abstract, please explain you are co-convening a session and provide your session information there.

Review a Sample Application [299 KB].

Applications for the SSA 2025 Annual Meeting Travel Grants will open 1 November 2024.

If you have a question, contact us by email at