All authors of articles in BSSA and SRL transfer copyright to SSA, granting exclusive publishing rights to the Society. This policy details how authors may use and share the article content.
SSA permits authors to post the article citation information anywhere at any time including on social media. We encourage inclusion of a link (preferably the article DOI) back to the article on the journal website.
Per SSA’s Open Access Policy authors may post the Accepted Manuscript (AM) which is the final, accepted version of their manuscript, to an institutional repository or personal website, 12 months after publication. The formatted, published version may not be posted.
Authors may share the AM within their institution for the purposes of research or education and make copies available to colleagues or students for their personal use. AM’s may not be uploaded or shared on commercial website or repositories, including Scholarly Collaboration Networks (SCN’s) such as ResearchGate. Authors may include the AM as part of a grant application, submission of thesis or dissertation without express written permission of the Society. Upon request, authors may share any version of an article with individual colleagues and students as part of teaching and training (excluding open online posting/sharing).
BSSA and SRL articles are published online in the “Early Publication” section of the website with a DOI. This is the typeset and edited version of the article. It is the Version of Record (VoR) despite not yet being compiled into volume/issue and assigned page numbers. The VoR (in PDF or other format) may NOT be publicly posted on any website, in any repository, SCN or via social media. We encourage researchers to share the article citation and/or link to the article using the DOI or URL on the BSSA and SRL websites.
When publishing in BSSA and SRL, authors are responsible for ensuring SSA’s policies align with the author’s funding agency’s requirements. SSA is not responsible for checking that funding agency requirements have been complied with.