BSSA Call for Papers

Special Issue for the Centennial of Great 1923 Kanto, Japan, Earthquake 

The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) is soliciting manuscripts for a Special Issue on the Centennial Anniversary of the Great September 1st, 1923, Kanto earthquake and fire.

The Kanto earthquake of 1923 (M7.9) was one of the most devastating earthquakes in history, killing nearly 105,000 in the environs of Tokyo and Yokohama. Most of the deaths and 95% of the property loss were attributed to fires following the earthquake, although shaking and tsunami damage was extensive. Current earthquake-resistant design and emergency preparedness in Tokyo are based largely on a repeat of the 1923 earthquake.

This Special Issue invites papers on any topic associated with the 1923 Kanto earthquake. Rupture during the 1923 Kanto earthquake occurred as reverse, right-lateral faulting on a low-angle plane along the Sagami Trough, on one of the closest subduction interfaces to a heavily populated area on the planet. Early studies of the hypocenter were followed by early seismological and geodetic models of the earthquake, and later by detailed finite-fault rupture models and estimates of strong shaking. We encourage retrospective and forward-looking studies of any aspects of the Kanto earthquake, including manuscripts on seismotectonics, historical earthquakes, strong motions and the basin response in the Kanto Plain. We also invite studies on earthquake-engineering aspects, loss and risk estimation, secondary tsunami, fire, and ground failure studies, as well as planning, response and scenario development, and their effective communication.

Guest Editors for this Special Issue:

Deadline for Submission: 15 April 2023

Papers submitted in advance of the deadline will be reviewed as they are received, published online soon after they are accepted and published collectively in print in the October 2023 issue.

In preparing manuscripts, authors must follow BSSA’s author guidelines at Papers must be submitted via BSSA’s online submission system ( under the category “Centennial of Great 1923 Kanto, Japan, Earthquake.”

Please address questions about scientific issues to the guest editors at their respective email addresses or to BSSA Editor-in-Chief P. Martin Mai at  Submission-related questions should be addressed to Emily Hammond, BSSA manuscript coordinator, at