2020 National Earthquake Conference

Register now to take advantage of early bird savings for the 2020 National Earthquake Conference (NEC) March 4-6 in San Diego, CA. The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s Annual Meeting is happening in conjunction with the NEC.

The dynamic agenda will feature the first public release of results from a new earthquake scenario and risk study for the San Diego-Tijuana region. Developed by experts over the last five years, the scenario will showcase the impacts and consequences of a potential M6.9 earthquake on the Rose Canyon fault that runs through the San Diego harbor. The scenario will open the conference and is sure to be one of the highlights along with findings and lessons learned from the Ridgecrest earthquake on July 5, 2019, and the aftershock sequences.

The NEC is a quadrennial event providing a unique opportunity for engagement and sharing amongst academia, building code experts, engineers, businesses, design/build professionals, FEMA Directorates, first responders, geologists, local emergency managers, insurance and reinsurance professionals, local and tribal governments, private sector practitioners, U.S. State and Territorial Earthquake Managers, NEHRP Agencies, and volunteers.