At the 2013 SSA Annual Meeting all attendees were invited to submit nominations for the Student Presentation Awards. Thanks to all participants, including the subcommittee for their evaluations and everyone who completed a nomination form. From among a total of 114 student presentations at given at the meeting in Salt Lake City, the subcommittee chose the following eleven for recognition:
Daniel Bowman
University of North Carolina
The Hilbert-Huang Transform Applied to Seismo-acoustic Signals on Volcanoes
Samuel Bydlon
Stanford University
Rupture Dynamics and Ground Motion from Earthquakes in Heterogeneous Media
S. A. Bydlon, J. E. Kozdon, E. M. Dunham

University of Utah
Crustal Velocity Structure and Seismicity of the Yellowstone Volcanic System from Automated Waveform Analysis of Body Waves, 1984-2011 J. Farrell, S. Husen, R. B. Smith
Manuel Florez
Universidad de los Andes
Precise Earthquake Locations Show Evidence of Internal Structures at Intermediate-depth Earthquake Nests
M. A. Florez, G. A. Prieto
Andrea Gallegos
New Mexico State University
Lg Attenuation in the Central and Eastern United States Revealed by the EarthScope Transportable Array
A. C. Gallegos, N. R. Ranasinghe, A. R. Trujillo, J. F. Ni, E. Sandvol
A B Afifa Imtiaz
Institut des Sciencec de la Terre (ISTerre)
Magnitude and Distance Dependency of the Ground-Motion Variability from Numerical Simulations and Comparison with Real Data Analysis
A. B. A. Imtiaz, M. Causse, E. Chaljub, F. Cotton
Julian Lozos
University of California, Riverside
Rupture and Ground Motion Models on the Claremont-Casa Loma Stepover of the San Jacinto Fault, Incorporating Complex Fault Geometry, Stresses, and Velocity Structure
J. C. Lozos, K. B. Olsen, D. D. Oglesby, J. N. Brune
M. Anna Nowicki
Indiana University/USGS
M. A. Nowicki, D. J. Wald, M. W. Hamburger, M. Hearne, E. M. Thompson
John Rollins
California Institute of Technology
Mechanisms of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2010 M=7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
J. C. R. Rollins, S. D. B. Barbot, J. P. A. Avouac
Sanjay Singh Bora
University of Potsdam
S. Singh Bora, F. Scherbaum, N. Kuehn, P. Stafford
Jing Zhu
Tufts University
A Geospatial Liquefaction Model for Rapid Response and Loss Estimation
J. Zhu, L. G. Baise, E. M. Thompson, D. J. Wald, K. L. Knudsen