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Association for Women Geoscientists Scholarships
The Association for Women Geoscientists awards many scholarships each year. To see the scholarships currently available, please visit the AWG Award and Scholarships page of the AWG website.
Each scholarship has its own requirements, restrictions and deadline. For more information, visit the AWG Web site at, send an email to or call (303) 412-6219.
Fulbright Grants
The Fulbright Scholar Program offers several lecturing and research awards. Awards for both faculty and professionals range from two months to an academic year or longer. While foreign-language skills are needed in some countries, most Fulbright lecturing assignments are in English. Application deadlines vary for Fulbright traditional lecturing and research grants worldwide.
For more information, visit the Fulbright Scholar Program website at, send an email to, call +1 (202) 686-4000 or contact:
1400 K Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
ROSE School Fellowships
The European School of Advanced Studies in Reduction of Seismic Risk (ROSE) was founded in 2000 with the aim of providing higher-level education in the field of earthquake engineering. In December 2001, the European Commission designed the ROSE School as a Marie Curie Training Site, providing funds to finance postgraduate scholarships with a duration of three to twelve months. The fellowships, with a value of 1,200 euros per month, may be awarded to Ph.D. students currently undertaking research work on topics related to earthquake engineering and who wish to spend a relatively short period of time at the ROSE School attending courses or carrying out research work under the supervision of one of the faculty members. Application criteria and instructions on how to submit an application can be found at
Shah Prize for Innovation
EERI is accepts nominations annually for the Shah Family Innovation Prize. Each year, EERI awards one young professional or academic for creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit in the field of earthquake engineering. Information about the Shah Prize and instructions for nominations can be viewed at
The Prize winner will be announced at the EERI annual meeting.