- Early Stage Career Advice
- Non-traditional Career Paths
- Advice from Early-Career Mentors
- Seismic Source
- Proposal and Grant Writing
- Collaboration Best Practices
- How to Grow a Career
- Advance Seismology on Capitol Hill
Find our current SSA Connects events here!
Early Stage Career Advice
Held on 2 June 2020, 4 p.m. Pacific and on 16 June, 10 a.m. Pacific
2 June 2020 session
Mentors: Vernon Cormier (University of Connecticut), Ruth Harris (U.S. Geological Survey) and John Vidale (University of Southern California).
Breakout rooms: How to grow a career over the long-term; Anything goes – no topic off limits; How to transition from a degree to a job
16 June 2020 session
Mentors: Fabian Bonilla (Universite Paris Est), Diane Doser (University of Texas, El Paso) and Andy Michael (U.S. Geological Survey)
Breakout rooms: Anything goes – no topic off limits; Specific tools to prepare for a future job in seismology
Non-traditional Career Paths
Held on 14 July 2020, 4 p.m. Pacific
Mentors: Natalie Balfour (GNS Science), Paul Friberg (Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc.), John Louie (University of Nevada Reno), Lisa Schleicher (U.S. Geological Survey)
Are you wondering if a non-traditional career path is right for you? This SSA Connects session will cover a number of career paths and the steps you should take to get there.
Breakout rooms: How to take the first step down a non-traditional path?; Open Discussion; Skills to build for jobs outside of academia
Advice from Early-Career Mentors
Held on 28 July 2020, 10 a.m. Pacific
Mentors: Mentors: Alice-Agnes Gabriel (Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich), Marine Denolle (Harvard), Sara K. McBride (U.S. Geological Survey), Victor Tsai (Brown University)
Early-Career mentors join us to discuss issues facing our early-career and student members. Get advice from SSA members who have recent experience navigating life and navigating career options after grad school.
Breakout rooms: Finding a mentor, Open Discussion, Work/Life balance
Seismic Source
Held on 4 August 2020, 4 p.m. Pacific
Mentors: Mike Brudzinski, Miami University; Yihe Huang, University of Michigan; Tim Long, Georgia Institute of Technology
Breakout rooms: Induced Seismicity; Measuring and Modeling the Complexity of Seismic Sources; Self-organized Criticality in Earthquake Processes
Proposal and Grant Writing
Held on 18 August 2020, 9 a.m. Pacific
Mentors: Cindy Ebinger, Tulane University; Gabi Laske, University of California, San Diego; Ben Mason, Oregon State University
Breakout rooms: With whom do you collaborate? Collaboration best practices; What research should you do before beginning writing your grant proposal?; What to avoid when writing a grant proposal.
Collaboration Best Practices
Held on 1 September 2020, Noon Pacific
Bring your questions about methods of collaboration to our panel of experts.
Mentors: Julian Lozos, California State University, Northridge; David Shelly, U.S. Geological Survey; Anne Trehu, Oregon State University; and Beau Whitney, University of Western Australia.
Breakout rooms: Utilizing Social Media for Collaboration; Improving Fieldwork through Collaboration; Collaborating with Government Partners; Collaborating with International Colleagues.
How to Grow a Career
Held on 23 September 2020, Noon Pacific
Learn how to develop your career from our experienced mentors.
Mentors: Lori Dengler, Humboldt State University; Barry Hirshorn, Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, NOAA; Karen Fischer, Brown University; Yann Klinger, Institut de Physique Du Globe de Paris.
Breakout rooms: How to Make Your Own Opportunity ; Networking: Identifying Mutual Needs and Goals; Should you seek Cross-disciplinary Collaborations?
Advance Seismology on Capitol Hill
Held on 21 October 2020, 10 AM Pacific
Every seismologist needs to know how to communicate about earthquake science. And understanding your audience is important.
In this session of SSA Connects, two legislative aides share their perspective of the policymaking process and how scientists can be most effective in working with Members of Congress and influencing policy.
Mentors: Annie Hoefler, Senior Professional Staff, Senate Energy & Natural Resources; Carisa Bunge, Legislative Assistant to Congressman Joe Neguse, U.S. House of Representative