BSSA and SRL Call for Papers

Special Issue on Seismic Hazard Modeling

The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) and Seismological Research Letters (SRL) are soliciting papers for a Special Issue and Focus Section, respectively, on seismic hazard modeling.

Seismic hazard models sit at the intersection of fundamental earthquake science and applied science and incorporate aspects of both. The results of the models underpin governmental and financial decisions worldwide. In 2022, the New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model — Te Tauira Matapae Pūmate Rū i Aotearoa was released, incorporating substantial advances in methodology and data in all aspects of the model. This was the most significant revision of the Aotearoa New Zealand model in 20 years and provides a timely opportunity to present and review the results of this and similar seismic hazard models worldwide.

The BSSA Special Issue and SRL Focus Section invite papers on any topic related to the Aotearoa New Zealand NSHM, similar national or regional seismic hazard models elsewhere, and methodological developments that improve hazard model reliability and application. We encourage submissions addressing all aspects of hazard modeling including rupture forecast modeling using seismological, geodetic, paleoseismological, or other datasets; ground motion modelling incorporating empirical models or simulations, non-ergodic models and site and basin effects; hazard calculations and uncertainty modeling, including epistemic uncertainty, efforts to quantify uncertainty in contributing datasets or fundamental modeling assumptions, and sensitivity analysis (including factors affecting risk); hazard communication that facilitates the uptake and understanding of hazard information; and review, decision-making and governance processes of large complex seismic hazard modeling projects. Submissions addressing conceptual advances or methodological changes are especially encouraged.

This call for publications is for both BSSA and SRL. Prospective contributors are advised to review the scope and submission guidelines of each journal before submission, and to contact a guest editor or the Editors in Chief of BSSA (Martin Mai, and SRL (Allison Bent, for guidance if necessary. The two journals will manage submissions separately through their standard peer-review processes.

Guest Editors for the BSSA Special Issue:

Olga-Joan Ktenidou (, National Observatory of Athens, Greece

Jarg Pettinga (, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Karin Sesetyan (, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

Mathilde Bøttger Sørensen (, University of Bergen, Norway

Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 5 July 2023.

Papers accepted for publication in either journal will be published online shortly after acceptance, then collected and published in print issues in early 2024.