SSA 2019 Meeting Features Joint Sessions with SSJ

22 April 2019–This year’s SSA Annual Meeting includes three joint sessions with the Seismological Society of Japan, continuing a long-standing partnership with SSJ and SSA members.

The three session topics—Machine Learning in Seismology, Next Generation Earthquake Early Warning Systems: Advances, Innovations and Applications and The Science of Slow Earthquakes from Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives–were organized by SSA and SSJ members, and chosen to reflect common interests among the societies, said Takahiko Uchide of the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), who is a chair for the machine learning session.

The 2019 sessions arose from discussions between SSA Board member James Mori, a former SSA president and a former vice president of SSJ, and the current SSJ President Koshun Yamaoka of Nagoya University.

“SSJ and SSA have common interests in not only these three topics but also many other topics,” said Uchide. “I hope that this SSA Annual Meeting will give good opportunities for sharing data and methods, exchanging ideas and collaborations, which will lead science and technology for the understanding of the Earth and its activity and the mitigation of earthquake and tsunami disasters.”

SSJ and SSA held their first joint meeting in 1988, at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America in Honolulu, Hawaii.