BSSA Classification Terms


1.000 Seismic Arrays, Networks, and Instrumentation
2.000 Intensity Measures and Scales
3.000 Signal Processing
4.000 Inverse Theory
5.000 Geology
6.000 Paleoseismology and Archeoseismology
7.000 Geodesy and Deformation
8.000 Rock Mechanics
9.000 Heat Flow
10.000 Potential Fields
11.000 Wave Propagation
12.000 Earth Structure
12.100 Faults
12.200 Upper crust
12.300 Lithosphere
12.400 Mantle
12.500 Core
13.000 Seismic Sources
13.100 Earthquake
13.200 Explosion
13.300 Location
13.400 Models (e.g. Dynamic, Kinematic)
13.500 Other
13.600 Tremor
13.700 Parameters (e.g. Stress Drop, Energy)
13.800 Size (e.g. Moment, Magnitude, Yield)
14.000 Seismicity
15.000 Seismotectonics
16.000 Tectonic Regime
16.100 Collision
16.200 Extension
16.300 Geothermal
16.400 Oceanic
16.500 Strike-Slip
16.600 Subduction
16.700 Stable Continental
17.000 Seismogenic Processes
18.000 Induced Seismicity
19.000 Volcano Seismology
20.000 Forensic Seismology and Verification
21.000 Ground Motion
21.010 Observations
21.020 Measures
21.030 Source Effects
21.040 Path Effects
21.050 Basin & Site Effects
21.060 Topographic Effects
21.070 Characteristics (e.g. spectra, duration)
21.080 Prediction Equations
21.090 Simulated
21.100 Damage Potential
22.000 Ground Failure
23.000 Tsunamis
24.000 Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering
25.000 Early Warning
26.000 Earthquake Prediction and Forecasting
27.000 Seismic Hazards, Risk, and Loss Assessments