Call for Papers: Special Issue on Observations, Mechanisms and Hazards of Induced Seismicity

The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) is soliciting papers for a Special Issue on Induced Seismicity. 

The increasing rate of induced seismicity over the last decade has generated interest and spurred research across a broad range of scientists and stakeholders. Induced seismicity is here broadly defined to include earthquakes associated with geothermal exploration, hydrocarbon production, waste-water disposal, CO2 sequestration and gas storage. Recent advances in seismic and geodetic monitoring have allowed for more detailed observations of induced and triggered seismicity, providing insight into both interplate and intraplate faulting and earthquake physics. The observations, coupled with physical models, have revealed complex interactions beyond effective stress reduction, including aseismic processes and elastic stress effects. While induced seismicity rates appear to have decreased in some well-studied regions under regulatory changes, new case studies continue to emerge. Efforts to constrain short-term hazard and risk in regions with no prior history of earthquakes remains a challenge.

We invite papers on induced seismicity that summarize the state of the research, provide unique case studies, and/or present insights into paths forward. Studies from a range of disciplines are welcome.

Guest editors for the BSSA Special Issue on Observations, Mechanisms and Hazards of Induced Seismicity are:

Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 17 February 2020

Papers submitted earlier will be reviewed as they are received. Papers will be published online as soon as ready and will be published in print in summer 2020.

Submit your paper under “Induced Seismicity” in the category section of BSSA’s online submission system ( Authors should follow BSSA’s author guidelines at:

Address questions about scientific issues to the guest editors or BSSA Editor-in-Chief Thomas Pratt at Address questions about submission to Manuscript Coordinator Betty Schiefelbein at