
2017 BSSA – Volume 107 – Subscription Rates

Includes online access during the subscription period to the entire BSSA electronic edition (1911 to present)
Print ISSN:  0037-1106   Online ISSN:  1943-3573

The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) is the primary English-language journal of advanced research in seismology and related disciplines. It first appeared in 1911 and was issued on a quarterly basis until 1963. Since 1963, BSSA has appeared bimonthly (February, April, June, August, October, December). Subscriptions are sold only by the annual volume (January to December).

The main body of contents is composed of scientific papers on the various aspects of seismology, including: investigation of specific earthquakes, theoretical and observational studies of seismic waves; inverse methods for determining the structure of the earth or the dynamics of the earthquake source; seismometry; earthquake hazard and risk estimation; seismotectonics; earthquake engineering; paleoseismology; tsunami studies. In addition to the full-length papers, each issue contains a section of “Short Notes” for comments on previously published items or for brief, topical contributions.

Subscribers to BSSA receive access to the entire electronic edition (from 1911 to date) at http://www.bssaonline.org.


  • BSSA – Electronic & Print; within United States – $651 (Add $70 for priority mail)
  • BSSA – Electronic & Print; outside United States – $716 (Add $125 for priority mail)
  • BSSA – Electronic & Print; ships to India* – $760 (Add $125 for priority mail)
  • BSSA Electronic only – $582

* Subscribers in India: to avoid the additional subscription charge, you may wish to subscribe via an agency with a US shipping address.  Claims for missing journals to India will only be honored twice per year.  Online subscriptions are encouraged for India.

Joint subscriptions to BSSA and our other publication, Seismological Research Letters (SRL), are eligible for a $25 discount if the two are ordered together.

Print subscription rates include US media mail or International regular air shipping.

2017 SRL – Volume 88 – Subscription Rates

ISSN:  0895-0695

Available as print and/or electronic subscription.

Seismological Research Letters (SRLis published bimonthly by the Seismological Society of America. SRL is a unique journal: the first to serve as a general forum for informal communication among seismologists, as well as between seismologists and those nonspecialists interested in seismology and related disciplines. SRL includes articles on topics of broad seismological and earthquake engineering interest, opinion pieces on current seismological topics, news and notes about seismology and seismologists in the U.S. and internationally, earthquake reports, the Electronic Seismologist and EduQuakes columns, strong-motion network reports, equipment news, and letters to the editor. A section for the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America focuses on intracontinental and eastern North American seismology. Abstracts of papers to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America and at the annual meeting of the SSA Eastern Section also appear in SRL.

The 2017 subscription is now available in both electronic and print edition.  Rates are as follows:

  • Print and electronic inside the United States – $178
  • Print and electronic outside the U.S. – $200
  • Print and electronic shipping to India – $241
  • Electronic only – $168

Prepayment is required. All prices are net to the Society. Please do not send cash. Checks must be drawn on US banks in US dollars. All checks should be made payable to the Seismological Society of America . SSA accepts VISA, MasterCard and American Express payments, by mail or by FAX. You must supply the account number, expiration date, CVV and a dated authorization signature.

Claims for missing numbers must be submitted within 6 months following the publication of the issue. Refunds will not be issued after the first issue has appeared.

To order BSSA and/or SRL for 2017, please contact subscriptions@seismosoc.org.