Seismological Research Letters (SRL) announces a Focus Section on the February 6, 2018 M6.4 Hualien, Taiwan Earthquake. The M6.4 earthquake was preceded by an intensive earthquake swarm offshore of eastern Taiwan. The earthquake initiated offshore close to the location of the swarm, ruptured inland in a southwestern direction, and resulted in surface rupture close to downtown Hualien. This earthquake was well recorded by close-in broadband and strong-motion stations and Palert stations, a network for earthquake early warning in Taiwan. The preliminary study shows large PGA (>400 gal), and PGV (~100cm/sec) with a dominant period of about 1 sec, triggering significant damage to building and causing 17 deaths and 298 injuries.
This SRL focus section aims to publish preliminary results from research related to the February 6 Hualien earthquake and the swarm sequence. Studies can include, but are not limited to, analysis of seismological or geodetic recordings of the Hualien earthquake sequence, detailed field investigations of surface ruptures or building performance following the Hualien earthquake, evaluation of earthquake early warning for this event, and lessons learned on short-term and long-term seismic hazard evaluation in this region.
Individuals interested in submitting contributions are strongly urged to contact the guest editors to discuss their planned contribution prior to submission.
Guest editors for this focus section are:
Kuo-Fong Ma, National Central University
Yih-Min Wu, National Taiwan University
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: August 1, 2018 (early submissions are encouraged and will be processed immediately after the submission)
Acceptance Deadline: November 1 2018
Published Issue: SRL January-February 2019
Submit manuscripts via SRL Editorial Manager at using the article type “Hualien Focus Section”. Detailed instructions on how to prepare an SRL manuscript can be found at
Note that the recommended length for SRL focus-section articles is up to 3000 words for the main text plus table and figure captions; this 3000 words does not include the title, author affiliation, abstract, and references. Longer papers may be submitted at the discretion of the editor. Articles accepted to the SRL Focus Section on the Hualien Earthquake will be published online ahead of print.
Address questions about scientific issues to the guest editors or SRL Editor-in-Chief Zhigang Peng at Address questions about submissions to SRL Managing Editor Mary George at