SRL Web Index




Welcome to the Seismological Reasearch Letters Web Index. You can locate a bibliographic citation for papers published in SRL from 1987 through the current issue. You can search for words (or partial words) contained in the title or author fields. Results are displayed in alphabetical order by first author’s name. For most articles a maximum of ten authors are indexed (articles from volume 79 and later) may have up to sixteen authors indexed. Entries for articles from volume 77 and newer contain links to the article’s extract on GeoScienceWorld and a link to the full text of the article for SSA Members (login required).

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 Has Electronic Supplement: 


For citations from 1995 to 1996 the pagination was not continuous throughout the year; each issue began on page 1. Page references are of the format “x-y to x-z”, where x is the issue number, y is the beginning page number, and z is the ending page number.

Many thanks to Melanie Whittington of the Saint Louis University Earthquake Center for her help in compiling this index.